Western Cape Agriculture remains committed to creating safer rural communities | Western Cape Government



Western Cape Agriculture remains committed to creating safer rural communities

14 April 2022

Today, I extend my condolences to the family and friends of the Kock family as they prepare to bury a wife, mother and grandmother.

The attack on the farm, Kilpheuwel, outside Moorreesburg on 5 April 2022, which left Mrs Ingrid Kock dead and her husband, Frans, seriously injured, must be condemned in the strongest terms.

When the news of the attack broke, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture(WCDoA)  immediately activated our project coordinator responsible for rural safety, who then inquired into the alleged murder.

Officials captured the verified information on the Department's Survey 123 ArcGis application and Rural Safety Monitoring Dashboard.

The WCDoA also alerted the Department of Community Safety, Court Watching Brief Unit, which will monitor the case's progress until its conclusion.

As indicated in the past, I intend to oppose bail applications involving producers and agri-workers. I will therefore be doing so in this case. I await confirmation of a bail hearing date.

The realisation of safe and cohesive communities remains essential, as crime and fragmented communities reduce individual life chances and opportunities and further destabilise communities.

Our agricultural producers and agri workers, as the agents of food security and key drivers of the economy, deserve to be acknowledged, appreciated and protected.

It is for this reason that the Western Cape Government  has rolled out the following  interventions on Rural Safety:

Rural Safety desk - provides a platform for the public, farmers/producers, agri workers and agricultural stakeholders to log enquiries, queries, and matters on rural safety. A dedicated rural safety desk email address has been created:  Ruralsafety@elsenburg.com

Rural Safety Monitoring Dashboard - The dashboard assists in identifying rural crime hotspots and informing data-led rural safety interventions to improve safety within rural and agricultural communities across the province.

Rural Safety Pocket Guide: The Rural Safety Pocket Guide provides practical guidelines to address safety issues in the agricultural sector and the broader rural community.

Rural Safety Summit: To support an overall improved, protected and safe agricultural environment, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture hosted a successful Rural Safety Summit on 23 November 2021 at Goudini, Rawsonville. The Summit created a platform to share information on existing rural safety initiatives and policy responses toward improved rural safety and explore the latest technologies and innovations in rural safety.

Road Safety Awareness sessions: In collaboration with the Department of Transport and Public Works (Road Safety Management Unit and Provincial Traffic), the Department continues to run road safety awareness sessions amongst stakeholders in the agricultural sector.

Engagements at District and Local Safety Forums: The Department is involved in structured engagements with District Safety Forums, Local Safety Forums, Neighbourhood and Farm Watches. These engagements aim to identify rural safety challenges and craft region-specific interventions to address these challenges.

The safety of all stakeholders within the agricultural value chain is key to addressing rural poverty, promoting sustainable food security, and driving local economic development.

The Western Cape Government is determined to continue to invest in our rural safety plan in partnership with our neighbourhood and farm watches, local municipalities, and the agricultural and business sectors.

Media Enquiries: 

Daniel Johnson

Spokesperson for Minister Ivan Meyer

Tel: 079 990 4231

Email: Daniel.Johnson@westerncape.gov.za