The WCED is recruiting over 20 000 Education and General School Assistants | Western Cape Government



The WCED is recruiting over 20 000 Education and General School Assistants

12 November 2020

As part of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme, the Western Cape Education Department is looking to recruit over 20 000 Education Assistants and General School Assistants for schools over the next few months.

The initiative is being implemented through the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI).

The WCED is looking to recruit 12 777 Education Assistants and 7 625 General School Assistants under this programme.

Education Assistants will:

  • Support teachers with technical preparations of the classroom for teaching and learning and ensure that teaching materials are available and ready for use;
  • Assist with the reading programme for the Foundation Phase;
  • Support teachers in libraries, science laboratories, IT laboratories and Technical Workshops; and
  • Provide after school support to learners where applicable.

General School Assistants will:

  • Assist in administration, data Capturing, Textbook issuance and record keeping;
  • General Maintenance;
  • Care and support; and
  • IT Support.

The programme will run from 1 December 2020 to 31 March 2021.

The initiative is targeting youth between the ages of 18 and 35 years old.

Requirements include:

  • Education Assistants up to the age of 35 years who are qualified unemployed graduates (NQF6/7) or an NQF 4 (Matric) qualification
  • School Assistants up to the age of 35 years with or without an NQF 4 qualification (matric) or Year 4 Schools of Skills qualifications or higher qualifications

Potential candidates can apply online on SA Youth. ( They cannot apply at schools, nor through the WCED.

This is a zero-rated mobisite that can be accessed through a mobile phone.

If experiencing trouble with this site, as demands are high, they can register on - but this site is not data-free.

Candidates without access to the internet can call 0800 727272, which is a toll free number. Candidates will find out if their application is successful by 1 December 2020.

The stipend to be paid for all Education Assistants and School Assistants will be R3 500 per month, as allocated to us by National Treasury.