The Department of Transport and Public Works and the West Coast District Municipality have started a project to upgrade the gravel road between the R27 and R399 near St Helena Bay to a surfaced road. This R43 million venture is expected to have been completed in mid-2018.
The project will also include work to stabilise the road shoulders. The section under construction is closed to through traffic, but local businesses and residents still have access. Motorists are encouraged to use alternative routes through Vredenburg or Velddrif.
The upgrade is creating a number of short-term job and skills development opportunities. During the duration of the project, a total of R7 million will be spent on targeted enterprises, and 6 500 person-days of work will be created for local people.
The Department thanks motorists for their patience and urges them to exercise caution at all times. Motorists will soon be able to enjoy a safer and more pleasant travelling experience along these roads.
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