Premier Winde, Minister Fritz welcome appointment of WC Police Commissioner | Western Cape Government



Premier Winde, Minister Fritz welcome appointment of WC Police Commissioner

12 December 2019
Western Cape Premier Alan Winde welcomes the appointment of a new permanent Police Commissioner for the Western Cape, as announced by SAPS today as Ms Yolisa Matakata.
"The appointment will bring steadfast leadership and stability to policing in the Western Cape. We look forward to working with Lieutenant General Matakata on improving safety in our province, and on our provincial safety plan, and trust that national government will give her the support required to effectively lead the police in our province."
Premier Winde said: "The Western Cape Cabinet was consulted as part of the appointment process, and we agreed to and welcome the outcome," he said.
Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, said: "I look forward to working with the newly appointed Provincial Commissioner in a productive and amicable manner.”


“It is my hope that we will work closely together to improve safety in the province, particularly through Departmental initiatives such as the Community Policing Forums and Neighbourhood Watches. We also look forward to a new era in terms of cooperation in this space, and hope finally to see the regular delivery of crime statistics as is legislated for in our Community Safety Act, as well as improvements in police service delivery and response times.” 



Media Enquiries: 

Bianca Capazorio

Tel: 021 483 504

Cell: 072 372 7044





Cayla Ann Tomás Murray

Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz

Tel: 021 483 8550

Cell: 064 121 7959
