The Power System is Currently Severely Constrained | Western Cape Government



The Power System is Currently Severely Constrained

6 March 2014
Media Statement by Anton Bredell, Minister of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
The power system is currently severely constrained, customers urged to use electricity sparingly to reduce demand.
Western Cape Disaster Management Centre has been informed that Eskom has declared an emergency resulting from a national electricity constraint and have instructed load shedding.
Western Cape Disaster Management Centre has informed all the critical stakeholders in the province about the current power constraints.  All Disaster Management Centres and key stakeholders have also been placed on high alert to ensure that relevant contingency plans are in place to deal with any eventualities.
We are urgently requesting all municipalities and critical stakeholders to cooperate with their call to urgently reduce power consumption.
We will continue to monitor the situation and will ensure that stakeholders remain informed. Stakeholders are requested to treat this communique seriously and put emergency measures in place to reduce consumption and therefore ensure pro-active contingency planning.
Click on the links below to find the load shedding schedules:
Western Cape Disaster Management is constantly engaging with Eskom who has assured us that they are doing their best to minimise the impact of the current situation and we therefore request that the public and Eskom users/municipalities cooperate with their call to reduce power usage as far as possible.


Media Enquiries: 
Rudolf van Jaarsveldt
Cell: 076 319 5027