Platform to Examine the Future of Sport Business | Western Cape Government



Platform to Examine the Future of Sport Business

21 February 2013

The Future of Sport Business conference will create a platform for sports representatives, government, academics and all others associated with sport to engage with each other on the future of sport business in South Africa. The conference will be taking place from 7 to 8 March at the Nedbank Auditorium at the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town.

Included in the two day programme are panel presentations and discussions led by a facilitator with interaction between audience members. The list of speakers will include Professor Swart from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and Professor Tim Noakes of the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA).

The conference will be jointly hosted by the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and Nedbank.

On 7 March, the first day of the conference will be concluded with an evening function.

Cost and registration will be as follows:

  • R1 500 Full delegate
  • R500 Student delegate
Media Enquiries: 

Kevin Malan
Directorate: Sport Promotion
Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 9540