Media Alert: Premier Zille to Launch Capital Infrastructure Delivery Website | Western Cape Government



Media Alert: Premier Zille to Launch Capital Infrastructure Delivery Website

22 April 2014
Tomorrow, Wednesday 23 April 2014, Premier Helen Zille will launch the Western Cape Government’s Capital Infrastructure Delivery website. This initiative underscores our commitment to be a clean, efficient and transparent government that accounts to citizens and shares important information about the workings of provincial government that directly affect people’s lives.
Premier Zille will lead a real-time demonstration of the website’s features and functionality. Media with Internet-enabled tablet computers are encouraged to bring them in order to participate in the demonstration.
There will be opportunities for photos and interviews. Details are below: 
Date: 23 April 2014
Venue: (New) Media Room, 15 Wale Street, Ground Floor (the 15 Wale Street entrance will be open from 13:45 to enable entry to the media conference).
Media Enquiries: 
Zakhele Mbhele
Spokesperson for Premier Helen Zille
Tel: 021 483 4584
Cell: 083 600 2349