LEAP Update: Minister Fritz commends LEAP on 54 arrests | Western Cape Government



LEAP Update: Minister Fritz commends LEAP on 54 arrests

22 December 2020

The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, commends the Law Enforcement Advancement Plan’s (LEAP) Learner Law Enforcement Officers (LLEOs), appointed through the Western Cape Safety Plan on the 54 arrests made between 7 -13 December 2020.

Arrests were made related to charges of possession of drugs, imitation firearms, dangerous weapons and unlicensed firearm; theft; crimen injuria; dealing liquor without a license; assault and malicious damage to property.

LLEOs are currently deployed in five crime hotspots including Delft, Khayelitsha, Nyanga, Philippi (including Hanover Park) and Bishop Lavis.

In addition to the 54 arrests, LEAP LLEOs successfully conducted:

  • 4074 person searches;
  • 95 house searches;
  • 28 Vehicle Check Point (VCP) operations;
  • 21 shebeens inspected;
  • 11 shebeens closed;
  • 260 fines issued; and
  • 109 autonomous, integrated and joint operations conducted.

Minister Fritz said, “Over the past weekend, my office received numerous reports of violent and criminal activity within Hanover Park and surrounds. However, we have also seen tremendous strides by LEAP officers deployed in Hanover Park who are actively making the community safer for its residents.”

LEAP LLEOs made significant progress in the Philippi Cluster, which includes Hanover Park, by ensuring:

  • 1123 person searches;
  • 7 house searches;
  • 13 fines and notices;
  • 19 autonomous and integrated operations; and
  • 11 arrests.

Minister Fritz added, “I further wish to acknowledge SAPS and other key stakeholders who are supporting the deployment of LEAP in these communities. We will not restore peace to communities by working in silos and I welcome the joint and transversal approach that we are taking to safety.”

Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray

Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz

Tel: 021 483 9217

Cell: 064 121 7959

Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za