Minister of Community Safety, Alan Winde says he is pleased that for 2018, the December/January school holiday Youth Safety and Religious Partnership (YSRP) programme, is now being implemented in 41 areas, compared to 38 during the June/July period.
Minister Winde said: “The partnership with the religious fraternity is vital if we are to keep our youth safe during the school holidays. The expansion of this initiative, now ensures that more young people are engaged in constructive and empowering activities, especially in communities that are plagued by gang activities. Religious fraternities have a well-established footprint in all areas, including those with high levels of crime, and are essential partners in the fight against crime.”
The annual YSRP-programme was first piloted during 2012/13, and targets young people between the ages of 14 – 21 years. The YSRP ensures that young people are provided a safe space where they participate in activities, such as life skills awareness and education, sport, recreation and vocational training. Since the programme’s inception, the Department has spent R22 911 456, partnered with 980 approved institutions and reached 108 446 young people.
Minister Winde said: “The impact of programmes such as these are invaluable, as many young people are just looking for a safe and secure space, where they are able to play and have fun during the holiday. I encourage all young people to participate in these activities. In addition to this, I commend the religious fraternity for their willingness to partner with the Department and ensuring that a safe environment is created where our youth can express themselves.”
During this year’s June/July and December/January school holiday, the Department has invested R6 219 829 in the YSRP-programme. Of the R3 962 365 allocation for the December/January programme, R2 390 955 has been allocated to areas that are riddled by high gang activity. For the June/July holiday period, the programme reached 11 818 young people and during the December/January holidays, the aim is to reach over 13 000 young people across the province.
The YSRP-programme started on 13 December and runs until 8 January 2019. It is being implemented in a wide variety of communities across the province, which among other include Atlantis, Belhar, Bonteheuwel, Bishop Lavis, Bellville South, Delft, Elsies River, Grassy Park, Gugulethu, Khayelithsa, Kleinvlei, Kraaifontein, Kuilsriver, Langa, Mitchells Plain, Ocean View, Manenberg, Mfuleni, Cloetesville, De Rust, Dysselsdorp and Franschoek.
Minister Winde said: “It is partnerships such as these that goes a long way in creating a #SaferWesternCape.”
Marcellino Martin
Spokesperson for Minister Alan Winde
(021) 483 3873 (o)
082 721 3362 (m)