Health Research Approval Process | Western Cape Government

Health Research Approval Process

(Western Cape Government)

This section contains documents relating to the health research application process in the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness.

All research applications must be submitted on the National Health Research Database via the link

All research applications for the  City of Cape Town (Cape Town Municipality: City Health)  must be submitted via the link

To ensure your application is processed the following requirements must be met (Please ensure that all documents are saved as PDF when being uploaded to the NHRD):

  1. Complete the summary form for managers.
  2. Submit a research protocol.
  3. Submit a valid ethics approval letter from an ethics board registered with the National Health Research Council (NHREC). For further information on the NHREC requirements for health research visit
  4. Include Annexure A if requesting data access from the Provincial Health Data Centre (PHDC).
  5. For Clinical trial applications, a SAPHRA and SANCTR: National Department of Health approval letter is required.
  6. Submit a progress report via Annexure 8, yearly, as well as for extension or amendment applications.
  7. Provide a summary of research findings using, Annexure 9, on completion of the study. Additional research outputs such as articles, presentations, conference submissions, etc. can also be uploaded.

Please refer to the Research Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for further information.

Note: The processing time is 6-8 weeks after submission to the relevant facilities and districts. 

Provincial Health Research Newsletter:
Issue 14 - Mental Illness: Challenges in health services
Issue 15 - Doing Research in the time of COVID-19
Issue 16 - Health-related strategies for preventing violence and mitigating its impact in the Western Cape

Provincial Health Research Day

When: 01 November 2024
Where: Online via MS teams
Theme: TBC

In 2023 the following research priorities were identified. 

Health Research Contact:



The content on this page was last updated on 31 July 2024