Honourable Speaker
Cabinet colleagues and Members of the Provincial Parliament
Chairperson of the Standing Committee
Head of Department and managers of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Our partners in the sport and cultural sectors
Residents of the Western Cape
Good evening, goeienaand, molweni
Speaker, it is indeed an honour and privilege to present to this House and the greater Western Cape community the Cultural Affairs and Sport budget for 2016/2017. I will elaborate on how the Department will use the appropriated R736 184 000 to enable a socially inclusive, creative, active, connected and united Western Cape. The following presentation embodies our commitment to improving education outcomes and opportunities for youth development in an effort to restore a once divided society through sport and cultural affairs.
Cultural Affairs and Sport as socially inclusive medium
Speaker, each day the media reports on the social ills within our communities and we are affected by its detrimental impact. Dominating headlines include: “Youth Gangs Spike”, “Child rapist to rot in jail”, “Teenage Pregnancy on the increase”, “Drug abuse on the rise” and “Innocent killed in crossfire”. At the short end of the proverbial anti-social stick and bearing the most brunt is our youth. More concerning is the prevalence of perpetuated racial divides, eroding at the very moral fibre of not only our communities but our humanity.
The four programmes within the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport speak directly to redressing the damaging effects of social ills as they contribute to positive youth development and negotiates a collective identity for the province. All four of our programmes co-functions holistically to accelerate unity, hope, reconciliation, respect, pride and a celebration of our diversity and simultaneously enables positive youth development.
Programme 1: Administration
Speaker, for the 2016/17 financial year, Programme 1: Administration is allocated R61 450 000. This allocation allows the department to achieve service excellence through continuous improvement of financial management practices. This appropriation will ensure support to all other programmes and enable them to improve service delivery to all in the Western Cape. A dedicated R30 103 000 will provide an overall financial management support service to the department including financial management services to the 3 public entities reporting to my office: Western Cape Cultural Commission, Western Cape Language Committee and Heritage Western Cape, all of whom are represented in the gallery today.
Speaker, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the officials of our Department present here today, under the leadership of our Head of Department, Mr Brent Walters. I thank all of you for the professional spirit in which you impact the residents of the Western Cape through Cultural Affairs and Sport with care, competence, accountability, integrity, innovation and responsiveness. Your commitment and dedication does not go unnoticed. Sir Richard Branson once said, “While many people talk about profits and productivity as the necessary ingredients, I believe that a business’s long term success is built on staff who love working there and customers who love the company’s products or services”. He also advises, “Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don't want to”. The award winning success of our department is testament to these words. Speaker, tomorrow marks the day our Chief Director of Cultural Affairs, Hannetjie Du Preez has officially been trained well enough to leave our Department. Over the past 22 years of public service, Ms Du Preez has become known as the walking cultural affairs encyclopaedia of the Western Cape. It is with a heavy heart that we bid her farewell and wish her well on her future endeavours.
Speaker, given the current constrained fiscal environment, the aim of the 2016 Budget is to strengthen the approach towards fiscal. The greatest impact of the constrained fiscal environment is on Cost of Employees. Because all officials, including contract staff, are instrumental in rendering an effective and efficient administrative service, I am proud to announce that the HOD and I have agreed to renew ALL CONTRACT POSTS for the new financial year. The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport will not add to the already dismal national state of unemployment.
Programme 2: Cultural Affairs
Speaker, with R109 443 000 appropriated to Programme 2: Cultural Affairs, we will provide arts, culture, museum, heritage and language-related services to the inhabitants of the Western Cape. Since sworn in as Minister, I have been heartened by the commitment of the Department to use sport and culture to build a socially inclusive, creative, active and connected Western Cape.
Arts and Culture
I have seen youth rise above poverty and the burden of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and share an international stage with 50 countries at the Annual Performing Arts Championships in California. Not only did they share the stage, they received global recognition by winning 29 gold and silver medals and a trophy for the winners of the open dance category. If you were fortunate enough to see them perform, you will indeed understand why the Nuwe Graskoue Trappers deserved to win those accolades. I am aware of the dire straits the Nuwe Graskoue Trappers are faced with in raising funds to again participate at the international championships. Speaker, it is for this reason that the Department has decided to allocate funding to the further success of the traditional group and to support its affiliated community programmes in the new financial year.
I have witnessed how, regardless of differing race, cultural backgrounds, language proficiencies and class, groups of youth showcasing their talent in drama across the province and sharing profound messages with packed halls of audiences. The Department’s drama festivals took place in each district of the province and the winners were afforded the opportunity to perform at the Zabalaza Festival at the Baxter and the KKNK this year, amongst other platforms. I acknowledge Fahiem Stellenboom, Marketing Manager of the Baxter and Bongile Mantsai, one of the adjudicators for our drama festivals for their continuous support to our rising stars in our communities across the province. I also thank Marlene Le Roux, CEO of the Artscape, for being the driving force behind the Rural Outreach Programme. In October 2015, the Rural Outreach Program invited 49 schools from the Breede Valley region and created an opportunity for 2 400 leaners to engage with the extraordinary performances of art, in its different forms. I look forward to having the Department co-host this significant programme with them in the new financial year again as it takes theatre to the rural areas of our province.
Speaker, in 2016/17, the Department will forge new collaborations and build programmes to new levels of excellence. This is to be achieved through:
During 2016/17 students in the partnership programme with UWC are to be included in a musical called “Zenzi” which is a collaboration between the University of Western Cape and University of Missouri. These students will be afforded the opportunity of international exposure and travel.
Museum Services
If you think museums are boring places, where old things are housed, you may not have been to a Western Cape museum as of late. You will be amazed at how interactive and linguistically democratic our museums currently are. Our department is slowly but surely achieving our goal to transform museums into more socially inclusive spaces wherein our historical diversity is showcased for all to learn from. Speaker, the R58 820 000 (58 million and 800 and 20 thousand rand) allocated to Museum Services in the new financial year, will indeed assist in achieving this goal.
On 1 September 2015 the Cape Town Museum was launched. This new-generation heritage institution will become a key access point for residents and tourists to obtain an orientation to the history and development of the city. The museum will be based in the Standard Bank building in Adderley Street which is currently being renovated and refurbished.
Linked to the launch of the Oral History Framework in Heritage month 2015, we also launched a travelling exhibition on the life of the late Dulcie September who would have celebrated her 80th birthday. The exhibition is based on a mix of personal and official archives and encourages all to see the value in our own records as part of the South African story.
Oral history enables the conservation of intangible heritage and in turn, this has the potential to promote social inclusion, understanding, tolerance and in turn nation building. Therefore, in collaboration with Libraries, the Museum Service launched the Oral History Initiative at libraries in Hawston in the Overstrand on 4 December 2015 and in the Berg River Municipality at the end of February. Oral testimonies recorded on video are available at the libraries as well as the Provincial Archives.
Transformation of museum exhibitions and the public programmes presented at affiliated museums continued and in October 2015 a new permanent exhibition, Stellenbosch and its people, was launched at the Stellenbosch Museum. This exhibition features the local history of the area and also includes voices from previously marginalised communities. Preliminary processes were undertaken in preparation for the transformation of the exhibition offerings at Bartolomeu Dias Museum as well as at Worcester Museum.
In 2016/17, work on the establishment of the Cape Town museum will continue. A Governing Body will be appointed and they will oversee the process toward the development of the permanent exhibition of the museum. Building work at the Standard Bank building will continue and it is expected that the building will be occupied toward the end of the financial year.
The rollout of the Oral History Initiative at libraries will continue in each district of the Province during 2016/17. Through the project, personal histories and community experiences become shared heritage and libraries become social hubs. Locals are now free to visit their libraries and request to share their stories on record. A good example of this would be the Director of the Stigting vir Bemagtiging van Afrikaans, Niel Le Roux’s, initiative to compile stories from Skurweberg which then affords a lasting voice to the people of the community.
In collaboration with Heritage Western Cape, the Department will develop Heritage Routes to highlight specific aspects of our shared culture. These include the Mandela Route, Cannons Route, and a Cape Malay Heritage Route.
Support to affiliated museums will continue in the form of funding, marketing and promotion, education and training, exhibition development, conservation work, the secondment of staff, and mentoring and advice. Where resources allow, services will be extended to unaffiliated museums as well.
Speaker, in my experiences as Minister of this enriching department, I have gained a better insight into the diversity of the Western Cape. While many are of the opinion that our diversity, that being: differing cultural backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, mother tongues, socio-economic status and even political affiliations, is what sets us apart and divides us as a collective nation. I am of the view that our beauty lies in our diversity. There is more that we have in common than that, which sets us apart and the sooner we all realise this, the better.
We need to get to a point where we understand and tolerate each other regardless of our differences.
We need to get to a point where we celebrate our diversity and together work towards a socially inclusive nation and - there is no such a time as this.
Speaker, for the 2016/17 financial year, Heritage Resource Services will receive R7 894 000.
In the past financial year the provincial heritage resources authority of the Province, Heritage Western Cape (HWC), has made considerable effort in advancing the intents and purpose of national heritage legislation in establishing, implementing and maintaining an integrated heritage resources management strategy in the Province. In 2015/16, the authority processed approximately 3 000 applications. In this regard Heritage Western Cape recently entered into an agreement with the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning in effecting a Standard Operating Procedure with regard to the joint processing of Heritage Impact Assessments. It is the intention of Heritage Western Cape to enter into similar agreements with other role players in the new financial year to further assist in working towards an efficient and effective heritage resources management system. Heritage Western Cape has taken cognisance of recent issues of interest in the public domain and has responded to the need for a more transformative approach to memorials and heritage practice. In that regard the heritage authority has produced a Guide to Monuments and Memorials and a Policy on Initiation Sites.
In moving forward, Heritage Western Cape seeks to encourage the registration of Conservation Bodies and will be working on a Code of Conduct to guide these bodies in their commenting role in application processes. Furthermore, its intention is to encourage and guide previously disadvantaged communities in actively participating in such instances. Ultimately it is the citizens of the Western Cape that benefit from the efforts of the entity and Heritage Western Cape continues to encourage the active participation of the public in the management of the Province’s heritage resources to ensure representative transformation.
Last year it was reported that groundwork for the establishment of a Khoekhoen heritage site will be started for the proposed Two Rivers Urban Park (TRUP) site. This site will reflect the history of earliest contact between the Khoekhoen and colonial powers in 1510. This project will be located in present day Observatory in accordance with the legacy project proposed for the San and Khoekhoen. This project presents an opportunity to recognise the significant role of the Khoekhoen and their descendants in shaping this Province and country as a whole.
I take this opportunity to bid Dr Errol Myburg, CEO of Heritage Western Cape in the gallery farewell as he retires after long service to the public of the Western Cape. I thank him wholeheartedly for all his efforts to protect the heritage of our province over the years. I also welcome Mxolisi Dlamuka as he will officially start as the new CEO of Heritage Western Cape on 1 April 2016.
Language Services and the Western Cape Language Committee
Speaker, I understand that the Standing Committee is concerned about the perceived lack of isiXhosa material in the Western Cape. I am proud to announce that in 2015/16, a Language Code of Conduct based on the Western Cape Language Policy was developed by the Department and accepted by Provincial Top Management for implementation in all provincial departments. Framed copies in the three official languages were made available to all provincial departments. The Department also assisted the Elsenburg Agricultural Training College with the formulation of a Language Policy that is acceptable to all staff and students.
A Government Specific Trilingual Terminology publication was launched on International Translation Day on 30 September 2015. This booklet reflecting the terminology of commonly used terms in government in all three official languages of the Western Cape is also available on the internet. It supports the uniform use of terminology among language practitioners rendering services to the provincial government.
An isiXhosa chess book was launched on 7 July 2015 in cooperation with Watu Kobese, who holds the title of International Master and has represented South Africa many times. Mr Kobese identified a need for an isiXhosa chess book. Together with our Department, Mr Kobese developed the isiXhosa terminology for chess pieces, its moves and the game as a whole.
The first of its kind isiXhosa chess book makes it easier for learners to master the game of chess. I thank the author Mr Watu Kobese in the gallery today for assisting the department in promoting the use of the three official languages of the Western Cape, namely: Afrikaans, isiXhosa and English. You have undoubtedly helped us ensure that the Western Cape is a caring home for all by promoting a multilingual society. Children will now be able to learn about the sport in their home language of isiXhosa and in that way we encourage excellence and inclusivity in sports. Speaker, in the new financial year, a cricket and netball isiXhosa book will also be launched. A soccer, boxing and athletics isiXhosa book will soon follow.
A draft framework for South African Sign Language was developed, aimed at improving service delivery to the Deaf community in the Western Cape. All people living with a hearing impairment affiliated to different organisations of the Western Cape were consulted extensively during consultative workshops to ensure the credibility of the document. I welcome Michelle Lombard and Seleni Dumisa, our sign language interpreters and Jabaar Mohamed from DEAFSA to the House today and thank them for their significant contribution to making the Western Cape an open opportunity society for all. The framework for South African Sign Language is in its fourth draft and further consultations will be done in the new financial year with relevant provincial departments.
A Xhosa Colloquium was held with the aim to review the progress and assess the hindrances to the use of Xhosa as a language of business in the Western Cape. This academic seminar included informative presentations by various Xhosa speaking academics and professionals. Key recommendations of the Colloquium will be taken forward in the new financial year.
The Language Services component of the Department is responsible for providing transversal language support services to all departments through translating, editing, interpreting and quality control. During 2015/16 more than 520 documents were translated, more than 260 documents were edited, and interpreting was done on 19 occasions, including interpreting in South African Sign Language.
The Department will continue to facilitate meetings of the Western Cape Provincial Language Forum. This body comprises language practitioners and meets six times a year to support the professional development of language practitioners. In addition, the Forum engages in terminology development and is active in attempts to revise and update the existing orthography for isiXhosa.
Speaker, with the R4 877 000 appropriated to the Department’s Language Services we will continue to provide language support services in all three official languages of the Western Cape to all departments of the provincial government and provide interpreting services where possible, including South African Sign Language interpreting.
The 2015/2016 initiation winter season concluded without any fatalities and the Department continues in its endeavours to provide an enabling environment for this cultural practice. These endeavours include the development of an Initiation Framework and Protocol document, the only province to do so, as well as the provision for training and development for initiation practitioners. Practitioners are encouraged to make use of the training which includes first-aid, fire and environmental management and skills development. This support is provided to increase wellness and optimise safety to ensure the traditional cultural practice of the rite of passage that illustrates the transition from boyhood to manhood is effectively performed.
Programme 3: Library and Archive Services
Speaker, Library and Archive Services are allocated R359 698 000 to promote, develop and transform sustainable library, information and archive services.
The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport will continue to support the Western Cape library services, with over 366 public libraries supported across the Western Cape. Offering multiple benefits, libraries serve as places for reading, relaxing, learning and building of social capital. Therefore, library services continue to make positive contributions toward improving education outcomes. In addition, libraries form part of the Broadband project, by connecting public buildings to high speed broadband. This is a positive contribution toward smart growth, which aims to strengthen knowledge and innovation.
Speaker, libraries do not only house books, they serve as social hubs and safe spaces for our communities. They create a society in which all are afforded the opportunity to personally empower themselves, contribute to lifelong learning, and provides for cultural enrichment and the prospects of economic prosperity. All these and more are offered at libraries across the province.
Amongst other, during the coming financial year we are planning to:
Programme 4: Sport and Recreation
Speaker, history has shown time and again that sport has the ability to bring diverse groups of people together. In the words of the late great Nelson Mandela, “Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination”. Through this Department I have had the pleasure of witnessing this first hand and I am sure many of you have as well. I call into your memories the 1995 Rugby World Cup, the 2010 Soccer World Cup, the Annual Cycle Tours and any other sporting events that made you feel proudly South African. Through sport, we all feel a sense of belonging that is void of differing cultural backgrounds, mother tongues and even political affiliation. We are all South African unified by supporting one team, singing one national anthem and flying one flag. Speaker, time and again sport and recreation have proven to contribute to the social inclusion of our diverse population.
It is for this reason that R205 593 000 is dedicated to Programme 4: Sport and Recreation. This allocation will undoubtedly promote sport in order to contribute towards the reconciliation and development of the Western Cape community through the provision of equitable, accessible and affordable sport facilities, programmes and services. It will also promote school sport by assisting with structures, competitions, talent identification, development, as well as specific and next-level activities.
Our flagship MOD Programme forms the nucleus of the After School game changer announced by the Premier in her State of the Province Address. The 2016/17 financial year will see the following strategies implemented to improve the quality and attendance at 181 MOD Centres.
A strong focus and emphasis is placed on increasing the attendance and rate of participation at High Schools through the implementation of intra class and inter class activities which would culminate in the formation of school teams. A further focus would be to collaborate with internal and external partners to spread the MOD footprint and to ensure that more no fee schools are able to offer quality programming to their learners in sport, arts and culture. This is the forerunner to the Neighbouring Schools Programme which forms the backbone of the School Sport Leagues. Through these partnerships and by crowding in resources at no fee schools, these learners will be able to participate in a variety of activities of their choice and in so doing become empowered young adults who are better prepared for life.
The provisioning of a safe space for learners at MOD Centres will be given a major boost as the Department of Community Safety together with SAPS roll out their safety strategy in 4 clusters in Kraaifontein, Atlantis, Elsies River and Gugulethu.
Over and above this, the deployment of School Safety Marshalls by the Department of Community Safety as a pilot project begins to address the safety and security concerns at MOD Centres. Seven (7) School Safety Marshalls will be placed at 3 MOD Centres in the Metropole initially.
An additional eight (8) MOD Centres have been identified to receive the YeBo (Year Beyond) Programme which is the academic leg of the MOD Programme.
Speaker, today learners from the MOD programme showcased their talents as developed through the centres. During lunch, members of this house and later on in the concourse, Western Cape Government officials were afforded the opportunity to witness first-hand a glimpse of the talents and skills resulting from the programme. The group of vocalists who rendered the National Anthem are Saroney Vaughn and Clyde Hanekom from Worcester; Jody Basson from Saldanha; Lisa Petersen from Mitchell’s Plain, Malelhoa Khoarane from Langa; Aneesha Langeveldt from Manenberg and Brandon Mack from as far as Swellendam. During lunch we saw the jugglers who are Bulelani Molefe, Neo Hlitana, Vuyani Lottering and Roman Molefe, all from Langa. The dancers who displayed their remarkable talents were Jamie Perry, Royden Botha, Amien Solomans from Lavender Hill and Lulamba Damba from Khayelitsha. The marching band exhibitions were performed by none other than the Western Province Marching Association. I acknowledge Mr. Saeed Ruiters, President of the WP Marching Association and Mrs Shamielah Toffar, Secretary of the Association in the gallery today. I commend each group who came from across the province and participated in our showcase here today to display a snapshot of the reality of talent in our province. I thank each one of them for making the positive choice to participate in the enriching opportunities made available to them and rather focusing on constructive activities contributing to positive youth development when surrounded by so much social ills. The social inclusive development of talents and interest while steering away from delinquent behaviour, Speaker, is the purpose of our MOD Programme. Another remarkable success of our MOD Programme is that of Kaylin Jordaan from Hout Bay. Since 2010, Kaylin has been a part of the MOD Programme at Sentinal Primary School as well as Hout Bay High School. In her 2 years at high school she had an opportunity to play in the playoffs for SA Top Schools. As a result of these trials she had been invited for national u/17 trials. She was chosen to represent her country in the u/17 Woman’s National team (Bantwana). She is currently attending the TUKS University High Performance Centre in Pretoria to advance her ability and opportunities.
Speaker, as the Western Cape Government we are committed to creating an enabling environment so that the people of the Western Cape can live lives they value. Our Department invests in the developmental resources needed to hone and promote sporting excellence. With much pride, I am happy to announce that the Western Cape is the leading province in terms of the number of sporting facility projects, with 90 underway and the Free State following at 52.
In the 2016/17 financial year, R510 000 is allocated towards an academy and two netball courts in Beaufort West. Cape Agulhas will receive R700 000 towards the establismeht of an academy in the Overberg region. Stellenbosch Municipality will boast a R60 000 Cycling BMX Track. Swartland Municipality will be provided with two netball courts in Westbank and Malmesbury totalling R54 000 and George Municipality will also have access to two new netball courts also totalling R54 000.
The Department supported six District sport councils and one Provincial Confederation, of whom Richard Buckley from the Metro, Lorenzo Arendse from the Cape Winelands and Desmond Spielman from the Eden Sports Councils are represented here today. In 2015/2016, the Department transferred R2 209 000, and will be transferring R2 881 400 in 2016/17 financial year. This amount also makes provision for Provincial Sport Federations, example, Western Cape Tennis, Netball, Kickboxing, Sailing, to name a few. I am proud to announce that we have ensured that in partnership with the civil society, the Central Karoo Sport Council was established, strengthened and funded through the Conditional Grant.
Speaker, in summary, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport will spend a considerable amount of our programme 4 budget in each district of the province in the 2016/17. What follows is only but a highlight or two from each district:
In the Cape Winelands we will:
In Central Karoo we will:
In the Eden District we will:
In the Overberg District we will:
In the West Coast District we will:
In the Cape Metropole, we will:
The Department will also provide capacity building training to 60 educators or volunteers in each district.
Speaker, not only does sporting activities create a sense of belonging, teamwork, respect, self-confidence, passion, pride, hope and unity, it also provides focus, direction, purpose, expression and hope for the future. It is for this reason that sporting activities have been identified as a contributing factor to the Western Cape Government’s game changer of tackling alcohol abuse. If our youth are occupied with positive development programmes they can be deemed youth with potential rather than youth at risk as anti-social activities such as substance abuse and gangsterism fail to then become a priority. It is our mission to encourage excellence and inclusiveness in sport and culture through the effective, efficient and sustainable use of our resources, and through creative partnerships with others. In moving to excellence, we will create the conditions for access and mass participation, talent identification and skills development. In my time as Minister, I was fortunate enough to engage with positive youth development programmes which foreground different sporting codes and recreational activities as its focus. Amongst many others, these include:
Speaker, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport plays a fundamental role in the social inclusivity of our diverse population, which inevitably unifies us Better Together. I can go on and on about the long lasting impactful work this department does for our communities but it is pointless for only us to know, witness, feel and experience. The people on the ground must know about the positive developments amidst the controversy. They must be provided with beacons of hope as they find themselves in vulnerable spaces and these role models exist in our sportspeople and rising arts and cultural stars. Our people are in dire need of renewed hope that as a nation, we are united in our diversity.
This department, the dedicated staff and our constructive programmes have the ability to change lives in the Western Cape for the better. The public must be made aware that a healthy lifestyle is available to them and once they see that others are taking up the opportunities, it will have a snowball effect and change a life for good. I call on all present here to assist us in the realisation of our vision and mission and instead of perpetuating discriminatory divides, let us celebrate our diversity because essentially, our beauty lies in our diversity.
I thank you.
Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport Budget Speech 2016 in Afrikaans
Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport Budget Speech 2016 in isiXhosa
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for Minister Anroux Marais
Email: Stacy.McLean@westerncape.gov.za
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 1171