Western Cape Human Settlements Minister Bonginkosi Madikizela will meet the Mayors and Municipal Managers of the Western Cape Municipalities in Caledon tomorrow to discuss the beneficiary allocation process and the prioritization of housing opportunities in the Western Cape for the elderly and those with special needs. Minister Madikizela will also discuss the allocation of service sites to those individuals who do not qualify for a free house, yet are still in need of support of a housing solution.
The Western Cape is faced with around 520 000 households who require housing assistance, and is currently allocated funds from the National Department of Human Settlements to provide 19 696 housing opportunities in the 2014/2015 financial year. In the City of Cape Town alone, which has an official housing backlog of 303 000 households, it will take an estimated R69.5 billion to provide everyone a house, and we currently have a provincial budget of R1.9 billion for human settlements provision.
The National Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Sisulu stated on 16 October 2014 that "Anybody below the age of 40 will need to understand that they are not our priority unless they are special needs or are heads of child-headed households,”
The Department has been proactive in developing a set of beneficiary selection guidelines for the municipalities of the Western Cape to ensure fair and equitable allocation. These guidelines make provision for quotas for prioritised groups such as the elderly and those with special needs. In addition, selection should follow the principle of registration date ordering i.e. people who have waited longer for a housing opportunity should be considered first.
Date: 07 November 2014
Address: The Caledon Casino, Hotel and Spa
1 Nerina Way, Western Cape, 7230
All media are invited.
Zalisile Mbali
Spokesman for Minister Bonginkosi Madikizela
Tel: 021 483 4798
Cell: 078 600 7729
E-mail: zalisile.mbali@westerncape.gov.za