The Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) has prioritized the development and protection of the province’s 1 739 425 children.
Our Children and Families programme receives R651.5-million, which is the second largest funding allocation.
The province is estimated to have approximately 570 000 children aged 0 - 4 years, who would make up the Early Childhood Development (ECD) population. There are over 2099 registered ECD centre’s which receive funding from the department’s overall ECD budget of R314.4-million.
This budget also allows DSD to identify and register the estimated 1889 unregistered ECD centres across the province. Registration ensures their compliance with health and safety requirements, as per the Children’s Act.
In addition to early childhood development, the Children’s Programme has focused on the following interventions in responding to the needs of the community:
If we are truly to ensure every child is protected and raised in an enabling environment, then government, civil society and parents need to work in partnership. We can honour our children on National Children’s Day, and every day, if we work ‘Better Together’.
Sihle Ngobese
Spokesperson for Albert Fritz, Minister of Social Development
Western Cape Government
7th floor, 14 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, 8000
Tel : (021) 483 9217
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