Minister Fritz meets with KDF on Khayelitsha hotspot plan | Western Cape Government


Minister Fritz meets with KDF on Khayelitsha hotspot plan

27 May 2020

Last night, the Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, had a digital introductory meeting with the COVID-19 steering committee of the Khayelitsha Development Forum (KDF).

Minister Fritz and officials of the Department of Community Safety discussed solutions to address COVID-19 related challenges in the community such as social distancing and flattening the curve. It was agreed that the Department of Community Safety will form part of the joint steering-committee established by the KDF on the Khayelitsha targeted COVID-19 Hotspot plan to realise the whole of society coordination efforts.

Minister Fritz said, “The targeted COVID-19 Hotspot plan is a whole of government strategy and, in Khayelitsha, the nodal point will be the head of department for Community Safety. The targeted hotspot plan will combine government resources across Departments, agencies, NGOs and organisations to slow the spread of the virus.”

The Western Cape Government cabinet adopted a Whole of Government targeted hotspot plan to tackle the spread of COVID-19 in high population areas, where high transmission rates have been recorded. It aims to change individual and community behavior to slow the spread of the virus and save lives in areas that go beyond districts and even sub-districts. This is done in partnership with all spheres of government.

Minister Fritz said, “I would like to thank the KDF for welcoming us to engage the steering committee and discuss solutions to prevent the spread. During last night’s meeting, the KDF expressed a willingness to work together with the Western Cape Government. They will be an essential partner in ensuring that government initiatives are implemented and that countless lives are saved.”

Minister Fritz added, “The KDF are a critical community stakeholder that will ensure that the COVID-19 hotspot plan in Khayelitsha reaches the broader Khayelitsha population.”

Attention broadcasters, English audio clip available here:

Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 9217
Cell: 064 121 7959