Minister Fritz Calls on all Neighbourhood Watches to get Accredited | Western Cape Government


Minister Fritz Calls on all Neighbourhood Watches to get Accredited

20 September 2019

Yesterday, the Department of Community Safety held an awards ceremony in Goodwood to recognise twenty-nine newly accredited Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) structures. The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, calls on all NHW structures to ensure that they are accredited. 

The ceremony included an overview of the accreditation of NHWs, a presentation on the new NHW brand, a demonstration on the new NHW on-line application system and the new communication and reporting platform being piloted for NHWs, a talk on the SAPS and NHW’s partnership and a handover of certificates and starter kits.  This event was aimed at acknowledging and recognising the efforts of these heroic NHWs and their members.

Minister Fritz said, “The Department of Community Safety is mandated in terms of Section 6 (Accreditation and Support of Neighbourhood Watches) of the Western Cape Community Safety Act (WCCSA) of 2013 to formally accredit and support NHWs within the Western Cape upon application. I call on all NHW structures to apply and ensure that they are accredited with the Department of Community Safety.”

Upon approval of accreditation, a NHW is issued with an accreditation certificate which is valid for two years and must be renewed three months prior to its expiration to ensure that the accreditation does not lapse. Once accredited, NHWs qualify for free training, resources and funding from the Department.

Minister Fritz further added, “Upon accreditation, NHW structures will benefit further from a R10 000 funding allocation to assist them with their operational and administration costs which can include purchasing additional resources. Accreditation of NHWs facilitates uniformity, cohesion and information sharing between all NHW structures. Our NHWs play a vitally important role in safeguarding the province as they act as the eyes and ears of our communities.”

Under the leadership of Minister Albert Fritz, the Department of Community Safety remains committed to using every tool at its disposal to safeguard the Western Cape.

Attention broadcasters: please see English audio clip attached.

Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959