Minister Fritz condemns mass shooting in Elsies River | Western Cape Government


Minister Fritz condemns mass shooting in Elsies River

18 September 2019

The Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, condemns in the strongest terms the shooting and killing of four young people in Elsies River last night.

Amongst those killed in the shooting were a 10 year old girl, two 12 year old boys and a 19 year old male, who was allegedly gang-affiliated. Two women, who are believed to be the mothers of the victims, aged 30 and 33 years old were wounded in the shootings.

Minister Fritz said, “I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the family of the deceased. I further wish a speedy recovery to those injured during the shooting. Violence has no place in our society. Anyone with any information should immediately come forward and report such to the SAPS on 08600 10111 or using the My SAPS app.”

Following the incident, the suspects fled the scene. The wounded women went to an adjoining block of flats, where they were cared for until they were taken to hospital by an ambulance.

Minister Fritz added, “The extension of the SANDF deployment must ensure that joint operations between SAPS, Metro Police, law enforcement and other security agencies work together to identify, track down and remove gang leaderships within communities. When we fail to combine our resources as state institutions and communities, gang-leaders are not convicted for their crimes and walk freely amongst the innocent and vulnerable.”

Under the leadership of Minister Albert Fritz, the Department of Community Safety will use every tool at its disposal to safeguard the Western Cape.

Attention broadcasters, please find English audio clip attached.

Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959