WC to Establish Inter-Ministerial Collaboration Following SANDF Deployments | Western Cape Government


WC to Establish Inter-Ministerial Collaboration Following SANDF Deployments

12 July 2019

Last night, the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, announced during his budget vote speech that the SANDF will be deployed in the Cape’s most gang-ravaged communities. Minister Fritz welcomes this announcement and will be establishing a parallel inter-ministerial collaboration to facilitate intelligence gathering and sharing, and the roll out of integrated social programmes at each gang station.

In Minister Cele’s written speech it was explained that he had, in line with the Constitution, requested that President Ramaphosa authorise the deployment of the SANDF to assist the SAPS in the prevention and combatting of crime, and preservation of law and order in South Africa. The SANDF will be deployed with the SAPS for a minimum of three months.

It was further mentioned that the Justice Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) Cluster Ministers will announce on the roll out of the high level action plan.

Minister Fritz said, “The deployment of the SANDF is a massive relief for the people of our province who can now look forward to being safe in their own communities and homes. Following my presentation on how to innovate the Department of Community Safety at bosberaad today, Cabinet have accepted my proposal to establish an inter-ministerial collaboration to facilitate intelligence gathering and sharing, and subsequently the establishment of social programmes within gang-ravaged communities. Such programmes will encourage job creation, increased school programmes, sport and culture programmes, youth development and community programmes. The Western Cape Government will activate each Department’s programs once stabilisation has been achieved in the majority of gang-afflicted communities. This collaboration will report regularly to both the Provincial Cabinet and Premier.”

Minister Fritz further added, “The aim of this inter-ministerial collaboration is to assist in the stabilisation of communities most afflicted by gangsterism and criminality. The deployment of the army is a crucial step in allowing both government and communities to work together in addressing the many challenges which encourage the scourge of violence and crime in our province. I look forward to working productively and in good-faith with National Government. I further look forward to working closely with our communities during this crucial time. The many good people of our province can no longer by terrorised by a few.”

Under the leadership of Minister Albert Fritz, the Department of Community Safety remains committed to providing the necessary oversight to safeguard the province.

Click here for English audio clip. 

Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959
Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za