SADTU Industrial Action: Learners Must Ignore Call and Attend School | Western Cape Government


SADTU Industrial Action: Learners Must Ignore Call and Attend School

23 April 2013

Media Statement by the Minister of Education, Donald Grant.

I am disappointed that there has been a call for educators to take a day off work tomorrow to attend a march, despite the assurances given around the “work-to–rule” campaign that the campaign would not affect teaching and learning hours.
Once again the best interests of learners are being placed at risk at what is for all of them a critical time in the academic year.
It is also irresponsible to call on learners to join the March.
The call from SADTU for learners to join the march, and miss valuable lesson time, is a total abuse of the position of a professional educator. It could also potentially put the learner at risk. 
We are calling on all learners to ignore this call and attend school tomorrow. Parents should enquire what arrangements have been made – that learners are supervised should any of their educators not arrive at work.
The Provincial Government of the Western Cape has developed a comprehensive strike management plan that aims to ensure that we do everything possible to protect the interests of learners in this province under these circumstances.
This plan is based on three main objectives, namely; keeping our learners safe and supervised, ensuring that teaching and learning continues as far as possible, and finally, managing the system so that it functions as effectively as possible despite the disruptions. 
The Western Cape Education Department applies standard procedures in the event of industrial action in line with our Guide on Industrial Action.
The WCED will reserve the right to apply the principle of “no work, no pay” in terms of the Labour Relations Act should an educator not arrive at work tomorrow in light of the march. 
The WCED requires school principals to keep a register of staff present or absent on the days of the industrial action.
We would urge participating teachers to act in a responsible and professional manner. If they do not, they will be identified and appropriate steps taken.
Media Enquiries: 

Bronagh Casey
Spokesperson for Minister Donald Grant
Tel: 021 467 2377
Cell: 072 7241422
Fax: 021 425 3616