Minstrel Marches on 20 January and 27 January 2007 | Western Cape Government


Minstrel Marches on 20 January and 27 January 2007

18 January 2007
The City of Cape Town has granted permission for the Cape Minstrel Association to stage marches through the centre of town on the nights of 20 January and 27 January 2007 between the hours of 10 pm and 2 am.

We are, however, aware that there have been complaints from residents in this regard.

In terms of the Regulation of Gatherings Act, we cannot unreasonably limit the right of the Minstrels to hold public gatherings.

However, we also realise that there has to be a balance between the constitutional right of the Minstrels and the constitutional rights of the residents of Bo Kaap and the City Centre not to suffer undue noise pollution and disruption.

It must be taken into consideration that while the Minstrel marches are a longstanding Cape Town tradition, the areas they march through now have many residents.

It must also be noted that the Minstrel troupes have increased in size and number dramatically over the years, as have the number of events.

The City has turned down the bulk of the applications by the Minstrel groups to stage marches at night, and tried to accommodate them as far as possible.

We must stress, however, that the Metro Police and South African Police Services will be on alert, and if the Marches continue later than the permitted time arrests of the event co-ordinators will ensue, and permission for the 27 January march will be withdrawn.

Issued by:
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media queries:
Mansoor Mohamed
Executive Director: Economic And Social Development
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2589

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