One Man Can Campaign Toolkit Launched | Western Cape Government


One Man Can Campaign Toolkit Launched

26 November 2006
The One Man Can Action Toolkit is a resource to support South African men to take action to end violence against women in South Africa.

The Toolkit includes a resource directory, workshop materials, and information on how to develop healthy relationships and how to support victims of violence. Facts about violence against women in South Africa and action sheets for teachers, fathers, coaches, religious leaders and youth are also included. All of these materials are available online at .

The Toolkit was funded by the Directorate: Social Dialogue and Human Rights within the Provincial Government of the Western Cape's Department of the Premier.

On the eve of the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women, Director Pat September has noted that, "Our support for the One Man Can Campaign is proof of the Provincial Government's commitment to ending violence against women."

The Campaign has been recognised for its innovative approach by the United Nations, and is officially being launched on 7 December in Geneva.

South Africa has amongst the highest levels of domestic violence and rape of any country in the world. Every six hours, a South African woman is killed by her intimate partner, and the rape rate in this country is the highest in the world.

Gender violence and inequality is one of the root causes of the rapid spread of HIV in South Africa. Almost one third of sexually experienced women (31%) have reported that they did not want to have their first sexual encounter and that they were coerced into sex. Young women are thus extremely vulnerable to infection and account for 77% of South African youth between the ages of 15 and 24 infected with HIV/AIDS.

Men have an essential role to play in reducing violence against women. Issues of power, and beliefs that real men express themselves through violence and aggression all contribute to the high rates of violence in this country. These beliefs and stereotypes need to be challenged.

Bafana Khumalo, co-director of the Sonke Gender Justice Network notes, "Gender transformation is good for men as well. And as men we need to take a stand on these issues and make a difference."

The One Man Can campaign calls on:

  • Teachers to encourage boys and men to take a stand against domestic and sexual violence, and make schools safer.
  • Coaches to teach their athletes to treat women with honour and respect.
  • Fathers to be positive role models, and educate their children early and often.
  • Religious leaders to raise awareness in churches, mosques, synagogues and other places of worship, and to encourage the men in their congregations to be more active in ending violence against women and children.
  • Youth to show their strength and take a stand challenging violence against women.
  • Men to build healthy relationships with women, support survivors of violence, support law reform and challenge other men to make a difference.
For more information about the One Man Can Campaign contact:
Sonke Gender Justice
tel: 011 544 1900
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