Premier’s 27th Energy Digicon looks at the growing importance of wind energy | Western Cape Government


Premier’s 27th Energy Digicon looks at the growing importance of wind energy

19 October 2023

Media Release: Premier’s 27th Energy Digicon looks at the growing importance of wind in Western Cape and South Africa’s energy mix

Mr Niveshen Govender, Chief Executive Officer of the South African Wind Energy Association, was Premier Alan Winde’s special guest at his 27th Energy Digicon.

In a province where wind is in abundance, utilising this renewable energy (RE) source to help improve the Western Cape’s energy resilience and security is critical and presents immense opportunities.

With 36 projects already under way, generating an installed capacity of 3442MW, the wind energy sector is becoming firmly entrenched in the country’s power system. “Wind energy accounts for the largest share of renewable energy technologies in the energy mix currently,” Mr Govender told the digicon. This is the equivalent of powering over 3 million households nationally.

Over the next 7 years, it is expected that wind energy will contribute an additional 14GW to the country’s power system.

As important as this source of alternative energy is in South Africa and the Western Cape’s drive to fill the power generation void and boost the transition to clean energy, so too is its job creation potential. Mr Govender stressed that the sector has created nearly 23 000 jobs in the construction, operation, and maintenance of wind farms across the country. He added, “This does not account for jobs created in project development, financing, consulting, and other careers central to developing renewable energy projects.”

Premier Winde noted, “Further harnessing wind power presents our province with many opportunities. Developing the skills needed to take full advantage of this sector is, therefore, critical. Through initiatives such as the Premier’s Council on Skills we are targeting this need to develop more skills in the RE space. In doing this we can help in creating more jobs in this exciting sector, while at the same as adhering to our commitment to renewable energy.”

To watch a recording of this week’s digicon please visit: