First Thursday to focus on the green economy and alternative transport | Western Cape Government


First Thursday to focus on the green economy and alternative transport

30 September 2019

The Western Cape is home to a thriving green economy, and visitors to the October First Thursday event will have the opportunity to see the work being done by businesses in this sector.

As October is also Transport Month, the green tech exhibition, hosted by GreenCape, will focus on sustainable transport options.

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde said: “The Western Cape has positioned itself as a leader in the green economy, and this First Thursday, members of the public will be able to interact with some of these businesses and see some of the excellent work being done in this regard, with the support of GreenCape.”

The exhibitions will include a number of organisations working in the development of green skills, and investment promotion, as well as businesses focused on electric and alternative modes of transport.  A series of canvases created by learners as part of the Atlantis Renewable Energy Challenge, depicting how renewable energy can uplift communities, will also be on display.  Artist Mel Elliot, who is a regular at First Thursdays, will also be completing a “green” themed painting, live on the night.

The Department of Community Safety’s document certification kiosk, as well as the Red Tape Reduction Unit, the Western Cape Liquor Authority and the Consumer Protector will all have desks at the event. For the first time, the City of Cape Town will also have a hot desk at the event, manned by Alderman JP Smith.

In addition to the exhibition, members of the public will once again be able to meet with the Premier, members of his cabinet and other government officials.

“Last month, members of my cabinet and I had the opportunity to engage with hundreds of residents as part of our commitment to be an open and accessible government. It was a pleasure to see a number of people who had attended the August event, return in September and we hope that for the October event we will see a mixture of new faces and returning residents.

The Open Government First Thursday events take place every first Thursday of the month, in the concourse of the 7 Wale Street building.

The event is open to everyone, and runs from 5pm until 9pm.

Those wishing to meet with Premier Winde or any cabinet members will be assisted to register on the night as part of our new automatic queuing system which ensures the smooth running of the event.

Members of the media are invited to attend.

Media Enquiries: 

Bianca Capazorio

Spokesperson for Premier Alan Winde

Tel: 021 483 5004

Cell: 072 372 7044
