Launch of the Western Cape Government’s Capital Infrastructure Delivery Website | Western Cape Government


Launch of the Western Cape Government’s Capital Infrastructure Delivery Website

23 April 2014

Statement by Helen Zille, Premier of the Western Cape

Today, I am pleased to be launching the Western Cape Government’s Capital Infrastructure Delivery website (accessible via the home page banner at

Since coming into office in 2009, our administration has introduced a number of initiatives that underscore our commitment to being an efficient, clean and transparent government that is accountable to citizens.

For example:

  • We developed the Executive Provincial Dashboard four years ago, which gives at-a-glance information on the major projects being managed by the province including whether they are running on track and red flagging those projects that are falling behind or running over budget;
  • We also increased the transparency in the awarding of tenders by developing a dedicated provincial tenders website where citizens can find information on open and awarded tenders by the provincial government as well advice on how to bid for a tender; and
  • We released our own Western Cape Ministerial Handbook, which drastically reduced the scope for excessive spending on cars, flights, hotels and entertainment by members of the executive.

The Western Cape Government’s Capital infrastructure Delivery Website is our latest initiative.

It provides information on the Western Cape Government’s capital infrastructure investment and delivery in municipalities over the next three financial years.

This is over and above the billions we have invested into municipalities over the last four years.

The website provides a comprehensive picture of the many infrastructure projects that will be delivered by some of our key provincial departments.

For the initial phase of this project, over 1050 projects totalling R14.3 billion have been uploaded on the website and located within the intended beneficiary community.


  • 258 human settlements (housing) projects to the value of R6.7 billion;
  • 61 new and replacement schools to the value of R2.1 billion. R599 million will also be spent on maintenance projects at nearly 400 schools over the next three financial years;
  • 118 health infrastructure projects to the value of R2.76 billion and;
  • An expenditure of R971 million on the rehabilitation and upgrading of roads across the province.

The website does not include many of the other essential services the Western Cape Government provides to citizens including free and subsidized health care to nearly 80% of patients accessing our health facilities and free stationary, text books and transport that we provide to hundreds of thousands of learners across the province. 

Some of the other services we will provide include:

  • Nearly R371 million has been budgeted over the next three years to fund over 180 after school Mass Participation and Development (MOD) centres at schools across the province;
  • Just over R897 million has been budgeted for our school nutrition programme;
  • Just over R 162 million will be spent by the provincial department of social development to tackle substance abuse in communities;
  • R107 million has been budgeted to provide support to SMME’s; and
  • Over R128 million has been budgeted by the provincial department of economic development for skills interventions including its artisan development and Work and Skills programmes.

We plan to expand the website to include these and the many other essential services we provide to citizens in the near future.

We believe the website launched today demonstrates the Western Cape Government’s commitment to transparency and investing in, and developing, infrastructure in the province.

This is because we know that major infrastructure projects coupled with an efficient, corruption free government catalyses economic growth, attracts investment and promotes job creation.

We hope the website will be used as a tool for citizens to become more informed about the planned infrastructure projects in their communities and to hold the provincial government to account.

That is why we will also continue updating the website with new infrastructure projects that will be delivered in the future.

The Western Cape Government will continue to improve governance and service delivery to benefit all citizens particularly the poor and the most vulnerable in the province.

The launch of this website is part of our journey to becoming the best run regional government in the world.

Media Enquiries: 

Zakhele Mbhele
Spokesperson for Premier Helen Zille
Tel: 021 483 4584
Cell: 083 600 2349