We are excited to announce the official launch of the new JUMP for entrepreneurs smartphone app – an innovative one-stop-shop for existing and potential business owners in the Western Cape to get all the resources they need to start, scale and grow their companies.
The lockdown is essential to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, but we know that times are tough for business, and that is why, now more than ever, we want to support businesses by giving them trusted information, access to business networks, tools and advice that will not only support them now, but continue to be an invaluable resource for their success into the future.
The launch of JUMP for entrepreneurs as an app couldn’t have come at a better time!
The JUMP app is available and free to download on the App Store and Google Play (search: “jump for entrepreneurs”), and offers entrepreneurs a range of fantastic features including a map-driven database of more than 4,000 small businesses and service providers spread across the Western Cape. This means that you can list your business, and find other businesses to network with, and support, in your area.
Other features available in the app include:
The JUMP for entrepreneurs platform first launched in March 2019 as a mobile website, and over the last year has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to gain access to the entire business support network in the Western Cape with these digital tools, applications, services and training together with real-world support networks.
Now, all of that is available is an easy-to-use app, and the Digital Economy team at the Department of Economic Development and Tourism have put considerable effort into improving the user interface and functionality, and adding more great tools and content.
For this iteration of JUMP, we have also partnered with FinFind, a recognised leader in small business finance readiness, to add the FundingAssist feature to the app. This feature gives business owners looking for funding, the opportunity to assess your unique business finance needs, receive recommendations on the appropriate funders and products available, and assist you with your funding readiness and application process.
To support specific sector growth, networking and collaboration we are also introducing the iGroups feature in the new app, that will enable industry groups, business associations and other entrepreneur communities to have their own on-line digital hub.
And finally, the JUMP app will be frequently updated with the latest information on the Coronavirus that is relevant for businesses in the Western Cape, advice from industry sector experts to provide clarity on the lockdown regulations, together with guidelines and support to help your business adapt, ensure the safety of your staff and customers, and build resilience for the future.
For more information on the JUMP app for entrepreneurs visit www.bizjump.co.za. For questions and suggestions email the JUMP team on feedback@bizjump.co.za, or download the app, register, and communicate with the JUMP team via the app.
Francine Higham
Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities
(Responsible for the Provincial Treasury and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism)
Tel: 021 483 4327
Cell: 071 087 5150
Email: francine.higham@westerncape.gov.za