CPF Elections have officially begun | Western Cape Government


CPF Elections have officially begun

5 September 2019

Today, the Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, together with the Deputy Provincial Commissioner Major General Manci, and the Provincial Electoral Officer for the Western Cape, Reverend Courtney Sampson; officially pledged support to the Community Policing Forums (CPFs) Annual General Meeting (AGM) directives and guidelines. Please find the directive and appendices as follows: 

Directives and Guidelines on CPF Elections at Annual General Meetings

Appendix A - Membership Application Form 

Appendix B - CPF AGM Election Timeframes 

Appendix C - Nomination Form

Appendix D - CPF AGM Checklist for Facilitators 

The signing of the directives marks the official beginning of the CPF elections to be held at AGMs across the province between September and December 2019. All CPF AGMs must be conducted in accordance with the directives.

Minister Fritz said, “I am pleased that the directives have been signed by myself, by the Acting SAPS Provincial Commissioner, and by Reverend Sampson of the IEC. These directives will bring the necessary legitimacy and guidance to the CPF electoral process. As we begin the CPF elections, I look forward to interacting with the newly-elected executives that wish to build fruitful relationships with both their local neighbourhood watches and SAPS to root out crime.”

The directives and guidelines set out in this document have been developed to guide the election process and to ensure that it is transparent, free and fair. The directives are being issued in terms of Sections 19, 20 and 21 of the South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995, read with sections 3 (f) and 5 of the Western Cape Community Safety Act 3 of 2013.

Minister Fritz said, “CPFs, which are made up of community members, are a critical component of many of our policing strategies and policies. For example, CPFs play an important role in facilitating the National Anti-Gang Strategy, the White Paper on Policing, the White Paper on Safety and Security and the Violence Prevention Strategy. Ultimately, they must bridge the gap between communities and local police. We must ensure that CPFs are and remain functional in terms of their statutory functions, as set out in Section 18 of the SAPS Act.”

As per the Uniform Constitution for Community Police Forums and Boards in the Western Cape: 2010, the AGMs of CPFs must be convened between September and December of an election year. Following the National CPF Board’s structure, a five year term of office was adopted by the Western Cape Provincial CPF Board in 2012. The current five year term ends in 2019. CPFs must, therefore, have elective AGMs from September to December 2019.

Minister Fritz further added, “I would like to encourage all community members to involve themselves in their local CFP electoral AGMs. Each and every single citizen of this province needs to contribute to the discussion on safety in their communities. If you or your organisation are interested in joining a CPF, and would like to participate in its activities, please enquire with my Department, or with your local SAPS station commander. You will need to obtain, fill in and submit the necessary application form to register your organisation. You can download the form from the Department of Community Safety’s website at https://www.westerncape.gov.za/project/community-police-forum-cpf-agm-elections

Under the leadership of Minister Albert Fritz, the Department of Community Safety will continue to provide the necessary oversight over institutions which safeguard the province. 

Attention broadcasters, please find English audio clip attached.

Media Enquiries: 

Cayla Ann Tomás Murray
Spokesperson for Minister Albert Fritz
Tel: 021 483 8550
Cell: 064 121 7959
Email: Cayla.murray@westerncape.gov.za