Media Statement by Dan Plato, Minister of Community Safety
It has come to my attention that there has been a failure to pay rent at a number of SAPS buildings in the Western Cape and, as a result, their doors have been shut. I will be requesting a report on the lease agreements and rental status of police stations in the Western Cape from Western Cape Police Commissioner General Arno Lamoer.
As part of my oversight function, my department will be able to proactively identify potential defaulters, shortcomings with regards to building leases and ensure that the necessary intervention is taken before more police offices are closed for business.
In the meantime, I will be asking General Lamoer how his office plans to resolve what appears to be an administrative nightmare with regards to rental agreements at buildings occupied by SAPS. The South African Police Service is a core function of our democracy and, as such, should not be the victims of administrative bungles and bureaucratic malaise.
As the rental agreements at police occupied buildings exist between a landlord and the National Department of Public Works (responsible for leasing government buildings), finger pointing becomes the order of the day instead of working towards a solution. The failure to pay the rent has resulted in a number of officers being turned away from their place of work, which directly impacts on service delivery and compromises the safety of our communities.
The closure of the SAPS Criminal Records Centre in Mitchell's Plain, or any SAPS office, due to unpaid rent is simply unacceptable; this may cause delays in criminal investigations and impact on the entire criminal justice system.
Effective oversight over the South African Police Service, as written in the Constitution, requires provincial governments to, among other responsibilities, "monitor police conduct, oversee the effectiveness and efficiency of the police service, including receiving reports on the police service, and to promote good relations between the police and the community".
Greg Wagner
Cell: 072 623 4499