Media Alert: Another attack on the WCGH Emergency Medical Service (EMS) | Western Cape Government


Media Alert: Another attack on the WCGH Emergency Medical Service (EMS)

27 March 2020

A 9th, brutal attack on the Western Cape Government Health’s (WCGH) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) from 1 January 2020 – 26 March 2020, took place in Baca Street, Makhaza Khayelitsha on Wednesday, 25 March at 16:40. We condemn these senseless attacks. This is not the first, second or third, but the 9th incident for the year. What is also concerning is that the latest incident occurred during the day, thereby demonstrating the lengths opportunistic criminals would go to endanger our officials’ lives. The suspect’s gun pointed and threatened the EMS crew with a knife while taking off with their belongings. The incident involved a male and a female EMS official and three suspects. The crew was responding to a call in the Khayelitsha area while the incident occurred and the patient was in the ambulance at the time of the attack. The patient was transferred over to another ambulance. There were no injuries and the paramedics received counselling. The incident was reported to SAPS, Khayelitsha Site B.

We are currently facing challenging service pressures with COVID-19 causing havoc in our country. This is a period when Emergency Medical Services will be in demand at a community-level, even more than usual, in the public health system. The Western Cape Government Health is appealing to the public to refrain from attacking officials who are rendering a crucial service during this dire time. Anyone with information on any of the incidents should report it to the nearest police station.



Media Enquiries: 

Deanna Bessick
Communications Officer
Emergency Medical Services & Forensic Pathology Services
Tel: 021 815 8585
Cell: 073 620 4694