At the opening of the renovated New Horizons Clinic in Plettenberg Bay this morning, the Western Cape Minister of Health, Theuns Botha said, the new clinic will complement the services provided by the Kwanokuthula CDC and the clinic in the village.
Minister Botha said the opening of the Kwanokuthula CCDC was a milestone for the health infrastructure in Eden. "When I saw the New Horizons Clinic two years ago, I was shocked. I asked the Department to prioritize the reconstruction of this clinic, and the R5 million upgrade began a year ago."
The renovated facility is 353 square metres in size, with 8 consultation rooms, a board room, a medicine store and observation room, and serves a community of an estimated 7 000 people.
The waiting time will be further decreased with the delivery of chronic medication parcels at the community hall.
Infrastructure planned for the next ten years includes the replacement of the clinics at Karatara, Craggs, Hornlee and Sedgefield.
Since 2009 Western Cape Government Health invested R218 million in health infrastructure in Eden, including hospital upgrades, clinic renovations and forensic pathology laboratories. Minister Botha said "Modernising the infrastructure and provision of world-class facilities have played an important role in improving the work environment for staff and improving the quality of patient care. Every upgrade is compliant with world trends and standards."
"We will continue in this financial year to build on the successes achieved with the construction of health infrastructure by allocating R723 million for this purpose."
"Unfortunately we are facing a significant in-migration from other provinces, in particular from the Eastern Cape. We are in negotiations with National Government to increase the budget for services rendered. There are many initiatives that staff can take to work smarter with budgets, and as a Department we encourage new ideas within our organisation," said Minister Botha. He called on staff to treat patients with dignity and respect.
He also called on the community to take responsibility for their health. "In the Western Cape, government is spending money on infrastructure and equipment, but this will mean nothing if individuals are not taking responsibility for their own health."
Minister Botha also referred to the growing trend to use Emergency Centres for general health needs. "Emergency Centres are for emergencies; clinics are designed for general health needs."
Hélène Rossouw
Spokesperson for Theuns Botha, Minister of Health
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 082 771 8834