Y.E.S. Workshop - News | Apprenticeship For Employers

Y.E.S. Workshop

24 July 2019

The Department of Economic Development and Tourism and YES have been on a journey for a year to form a strategic partnership on youth placement opportunities. We are privileged to host the 6th SITT to celebrate the YES partnership. 

YES has a target of 1m placement opportunities for young people in three years. The other target is 100 YES hubs in three years, nationally.  DEDAT seeks to help YES achieve these in the Western Cape through a strategic partnership. An MOU has been drafted in this regard and will be signed soon.

What do we want to achieve with this event?

  • A successful structured engagement session with employers as part of DEDAT Skills and Innovation team’s SITT quarterly Initiatives (Strategic Industry Think Tank)
  • Inform Western Cape employers about the YES initiative and its benefits.
  • Encourage Western Cape employers to get behind the YES initiative and other work placement programmes for youth.
  • The next event will be in September with more employers and may launch the DEDAT YES partnership MOU and have the Minister and HOD in attendance.
  • Employers commit to YES and outcomes of placements and Work Readiness shared with DEDAT as part of achievements of reach and scale of youth placements through collaborations.

Access more information about the YES programme. Click here

For more information, please contact Luvuyo.Mkangelwa@westerncape.gov.za.
