Sexual Health | Western Cape Government

Sexual Health

Dual Protection

(Public Information)
(File type: pdf; size: 92.17 KB)
A press release promoting the use of condoms and emergency contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy, HIV infection and cervical cancer.

HIV/Aids Information and Services

Information on HIV/Aids health services including Voluntary Testing and Counselling, Anti-Retroviral Therapy and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections.

Reproductive Health

Information about cervical cancer, testicular cancer, breast cancer and more.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are spread from one person to another in the following ways:

Treatment for Sexual Abuse/Rape

The service is available to all women and men over the age of 14 years who have been raped or sexually assaulted. Survivors are given medical, psychological and forensic care at specialist clinics in the province. At the clinic, the survivor will be interviewed and counselled by a health worker in a private room/area.