The Government of South Africa - Reports & Research: C | Western Cape Government

The Government of South Africa - Reports & Research: C

Government reports and research, listed alphabetically by title. These publications are also listed under the appropriate life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
Statistics South Africa (The Government of South Africa)

In October 2001, the second census in a democratic South Africa took place. The results were released in 2003. The online report includes the census database, key results, age tables, census in brief, key municipal data and a summary report.

(File type: pdf; size: 3.45 MB)Department of Social Development (National) (The Government of South Africa)
(File type: pdf; size: 743.35 KB)Department of Public Service and Administration (National) (The Government of South Africa)
Prepared by the South African Government and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), this report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the evidence available on the incidence and nature of corruption as well as the anti- corruption mechanisms put in place or envisaged in South Africa.