Surviving gender-based violence Survivor 4's story | Western Cape Government

Surviving gender-based violence Survivor 4's story

The Suvivor has a background of drug abuse, after she lost her mother she and her siblings did not get along and she did not have a place to stay. She moved in with a friend which caused her downfall. The house she moved into was a house where drug use  and drug abuse was common, eventually she also started to use drugs. The people who visited the house later stared to abuse her physically and emotionally. They started to steal her belongings. She could not stand the abuse anymore and went to WEG and BOWL for help. She was referred by WEG for admission.

She participated in therapeutic sessions with the social worker, as well as therapeutic groups sessions, life skills training and skills development programmes. 

She is currently living with a community member and doing very well. She has been drug free since December 2020 (the time she entered House of Hope).

She is also working and receiving great help from the community member she is currently living with.

The content on this page was last updated on 16 July 2021