Emergency Contraception Hotline - 0800 246 432 | Western Cape Government

Emergency Contraception Hotline - 0800 246 432

Emergency contraception can help prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Although emergency contraception may be used up to 120 hours (five days) after unprotected sex, it should preferrably be started within 72 hours (three days) and is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after sex.

Emergency contraception does NOT protect against HIV/AIDS.

If you need information about how to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, you can contact the Emergency Contraception toll-free hotline at 0800 246 432 or visit www.not-2-late.co.za.

The hotline can provide you with names and numbers of healthcare professionals in your area who can provide you with emergency contraception.

Provided by:
Government Body: (Western Cape Government)
The content on this page was last updated on 28 August 2013