With the highest percentage of clean audits in South Africa, the Western Cape Government is leading the country in good financial governance. This achievement was acknowledged by the Auditor-General of South Africa, when he officially confirmed the Western Cape as the country’s top province in the 2016/17 provincial and municipal audit outcomes.
In a ceremony held on 19 February, the Auditor-General, Mr Kimi Makwetu, together with the Premier of the Western Cape, Ms Helen Zille conferred the prestigious outcome of clean audit on no less than 44 of 55 Western Cape Provincial departments, municipalities and public entities. This is a remarkable pass rate of 80%
“What the outcome of a clean audit suggests is that the correct processes were followed and transparency was observed” said Mr Makwetu.
In congratulating all recipients of awards Premier Zille highlighted that the role of a capable state to inspire public confidence is often under acknowledged.
“Effective democracies are underpinned by three principles, namely, a capable state, the rule of law and accountability:’ said the Premier.
The combined Western Cape 2016/17 Audit Outcomes are as follow:
Western Cape Finance Minister, Dr Ivan Meyer closed the awards ceremony by saying:
“A learning organisation looks at sharpening the saw and continuous self-improvement. The Western Cape Government is a learning organisation. Through learning year-on-year, we create public value for the citizens of the Western Cape.”
“The Western Cape Government’s shared vision is good financial governance and improved service delivery. We respect taxpayer’s money and the audit outcome is proof of that,” said Meyer.
Expressing his appreciation to political office bearers and officials for the hard work in ensuring the successful implementation of the combined assurance and governance framework. Meyer thanked them for “instilling public confidence and establishing the Western Cape as the leader in good financial governance in South Africa.”
Daniel Johnson
Media Liaison Officer/Spokesperson to Dr Ivan Meyer Minister of Finance
Cell: 079 990 4231
E-mail: daniel.johnson@westerncape.gov.za