R27 road users can expect delays as road works will take place on the southbound carriageway of the R27 (West Coast Road) on and between the intersections of Ocean Way and Racecourse Road.
Please use alternative routes where possible.
On Friday (11 September) work will commence at 10:00 on the southbound fast lane before Ocean Way intersection. Construction will continue all the way up to Racecourse Road intersection until late in the afternoon.
On Saturday (12 September) work will commence at 7:00 on the southbound slow lane between the Diep River bridge and Racecourse Road intersection. Traffic will be accommodated on the existing roadway through lane merging. The southbound fast lane through Ocean Way intersection will also be closed and no right turn access onto the R27 West Coast Road will be permitted.
Please make use of the Bay Beach Avenue intersection to gain access onto the R27 when heading into town.
Please avoid these areas of work as delays are expected.
The safety and convenience of the travelling public are of utmost importance and the public is requested to be patient and exercise caution when using the road.
You can follow the Department of Transport and Public Works on Twitter: @WCGovTPW