Visiting Friends and Family at Groote Schuur | Western Cape Government

Visiting Friends and Family at Groote Schuur

(Department of Health and Wellness, Western Cape Government)

Information on the visiting hours at Groote Schuur Hospital

Visiting Friends and Family at Groote Schuur


General rules for visitors

  • Visiting times will be clearly displayed at all visitors' entrances to the hospital.
  • A maximum of two (2) visitors will be allowed per patient. If this number is exceeded, the nursing staff will ask some visitors to leave.
  • The maximum number of visitors allowed at any one time is two (2) in the General, in the Maternity wards and in the Intensive Care Units (ICU).
  • Children under the age of twelve (12) years will not be permitted to visit except if the patient is the parent or sibling.
  • All children should be supervised by an adult.
  • It is not advisable for babies to visit, except if the patient is the parent. Permission should be sought from the Sister in charge.
  • If a patient's condition deteriorates visiting will be permitted at the discretion of the Sister in charge.
  • The duration of the visit may be restricted by the nursing staff if it is considered to be detrimental to the patient's well being.
  • No mobile phones, cameras and camcorders may be used by visitors without permission from hospital management in restricted areas. A bell ring or an announcement over the public address system will be used to indicate that visiting time is over. 


Visiting times 


Unless specified otherwise, visiting hours are:

15h00 - 16h00
19h00 - 20h00

Visiting outside of these hours must be negotiated with the sister-in-charge. 
Critically ill patients by prior arrangement. 

ICU Complex

11h00 - 12h00
15h00 - 16h00
19h00 - 20h00  

Visiting for D13 ICU

10:00 – 11:00
14:00 – 15:00
19:00 – 20:00


15:30 - 16:30
19:00 - 20:00

Visitors are restricted to the father of the baby and one significant other person, plus siblings of the newborn baby who are over the age of two years.  

Labour Ward

Only one person at a time (either birth companion or father of the baby). On the post-natal side of the ward, the patient's mother will be allowed as a second person. 

Neonatal Unit

Only two visitors per neonate. Times as for wards above. Only parents and grandparents may visit. Parents of the child are allowed to visit at any time of the day until 21:00 (24-hour access if baby is very ill).

Maximum number of visitors is two (2).  


Wards C22 and C23:
No visiting. Visiting should be prearranged with the Sister in charge.

Ward: G22
Visiting hours: 19:00 - 20:00 only (unless contacted to see a therapist). 

The content on this page was last updated on 21 September 2023