Youth Day 2013 | Western Cape Government

Youth Day 2013

19 June 2013 to 30 December 2013
Location: Bellville, Cape Town, South Africa

16 June 2013 a day to remember.

The Minister of Social Development, Mr Albert Fritz met with thousands of young people at the Bellville Velodrome, where they participated in an "UNCONFERENCING" event. This is an unconventional method used to communicate with young people in a unique way. The day was filled with various activities including showcasing of talents and skills to entertain the enthusiastic crowd.

With the assistance of over 100 facilitators, the youth of the Western Cape were given an opportunity to not only express themselves on the issues that impact on their lives but also to inform them of services and opportunities available to young people in this province. Through the creative unconferencing mediums the Department Social Development will be able to direct and give effect to the youth strategy that will be rolled out throughout the Western Cape.

The purpose of the engagement was to ascertain:

  • whether they know about the opportunities this government extends to them,
  • how they are currently accessing governmental services,
  • what hinders their accessibility to governmental services,
  • what would help them access government services better.

    The inputs provided by the youth will be used to ensure that their needs and interests are directly aligned to governmental programmes and services. We create the opportunity for young people to engage in an exciting way, young people tell us what is important to them. The Department of Social Development and the Youth empowering young people Better Together.

Young people expressing their opions on how they access govenrment services.

The youth showcasing their unconferencing skills by voicing their opinions on services offered by the Western Cape Government.

This young man expressing his views on his future as a young person in the Western Cape.


Young people expressing their views on the affects that gangsterism, school drop outs and substance abuse have on communities in the Western Cape.


Minister Albert Fritz engaging with the youth on their role in society.


Anozuko Qubeka from Philipi: "Government should put more money into housing, roads and education to improve communities".

Taryn (4th from the left) from Mitchell's Plain: "I am a foster child and coming here today I learnt what opportunities there are for me."

Shakeena Benjamin from Tafelsig Mitchell's Plain: "Educate adults so that they may become literate so that they can teach their children how to read and write".

Hypnosis Dance Crew showed the crowd why they are one of the Top 20 dance groups in the Western Cape.

Larry Soffa the illusionist showing off his tricks with the help of Minister Fritz.

Master Tyson the Martial Art enthusiast had the crowd on their feet participating in a few Tai Chi moves.

The unconferencing method allowed this young enthusiast to express her views on employment criteria in South Africa.

These young ladies showed their enthusiasm for life at the photo booth.

Metro North Youth members showing off their Thai Chi skills.

Young people were given career advice and resources available to them at information tables which were presented by various Non-Goevernmental Organisations

The Department of Social Development hosted an information table where opportunities for studying, internships etc were discussed with those interested.

This young man voicing his opinion on government services.

This mural depicted the thoughts and signatures of what the youth have in mind not only for themselves but also for the environment they live in.

Melany Kuhn Spokesperson for Minister Fritz 083 280 9199

Event Host / Owner: (Western Cape Government)
The content on this page was last updated on 30 January 2014