Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: P | Western Cape Government

Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: P

Government guidelines, manuals and instructions, listed alphabetically by title. These documents are also listed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
(File type: pdf; size: 926.16 KB)The Government of South Africa
(File type: pdf; size: 650.71 KB)Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)
Detailed information for health workers on monitoring the growth of children from birth to five years of age, the management of malnourished children and the treatment for children at risk of Vitamin A deficiency.
Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)


Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)


(File type: pdf; size: 568.45 KB)Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)


(File type: pdf; size: 143.82 KB)Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)


(File type: pdf; size: 427.38 KB)Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)


(File type: pdf; size: 510.6 KB)Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)


Department of Economic Development and Tourism (Western Cape Government)

Promotion of Access to Information (PAIA) Manual

Download the 2023/2024 PAIA manuals:



Department of Local Government (Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 838.63 KB)Department of Local Government (Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.06 MB)Department of Local Government (Western Cape Government)
Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)

Handleiding vir die bevordering van toegang tot inligting, 2021 saamgestel ingevolge artikel 14 van die Wet op die Bevordering van Toegang tot Inligting (PAIA), 2000 (soos gewysig) vir die Departement van die Premier

(File type: pdf; size: 1.76 MB)Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)

Handleiding vir die Bevordering van Toegang tot Inligting, 2023 saamgestel ingevolge artikel 14 van die Wet op die Bevordering van Toegang tot Inligting (PAIA), 2000 (soos gewysig) vir die Departement van die Premier

(File type: pdf; size: 1.13 MB)Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)

Promotion of Access to Information Manual, 2023 compiled in terms of section 14 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA), 2000 (as amended) for the Department of the Premier

Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.83 MB)Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)

INcwadana yokuKhuthazwa koFikelelo kwiiNgcombolo, 2023 esungulwe ngokwecandelo 14 loMthetho wokuKhuthazwa koFikelelo kwiiNgcombolo (i-PAIA), 2000 (njengoko ulungisiwe) ukwenzela ISebe leNkulumbuso

Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)

This is a detailed protocol containing all elements of the PMTCT programme.

Independent Complaints Directorate (Secretariat of Safety and Security, The Government of South Africa)

This paper contains suggestions by the ICD on how to prevent torture by the police.

(File type: pdf; size: 191.09 KB)Asset and Liabilities Management (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 1.83 MB)Asset and Liabilities Management (Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government)
(File type: pdf; size: 3.25 MB)Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety (Western Cape Government)
Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)
Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport (Western Cape Government)
Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)
Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)
Department of the Premier (Western Cape Government)
Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)
Disaster Management and Fire and Rescue Services (Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government)
The workshop provides an overview of the severe weather events occurred in the Western Cape since 2003, the responsibilities of the Weather Service, an understanding of the forecasting process and weather warnings, a general perspective on a comprehensive early warning system, as well as the rollout of the flash flood warning system from early 2010.
(File type: pdf; size: 403.57 KB)Department of Health and Wellness (Western Cape Government)
Budget allocation, payment, ordering, issuing, recycling, maintenance and repair of assistive devices, including wheelchairs and crutches.