Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: E | Western Cape Government

Guidelines, Manuals & Instructions: E

Government guidelines, manuals and instructions, listed alphabetically by title. These documents are also listed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
(File type: pdf; size: 525.02 KB)Department of Social Development (Western Cape Government)

The Department of Labour has requested the Department of Local Government and Housing to submit an Employment Equity Report in its campaign to ensure that employers are complying with the Employment Equity Act. This document is a report on the employment equity status of ...

Provincial Parliament of the Western Cape (Western Cape Government)
This publication contains a list of English terms and their Xhosa translations that are often used in a government context.
(File type: pdf; size: 39.17 KB)
This is an example of a cash flow statement, which lists the money that is leaving the business against money coming into the business, so you are able to tally your surplus cashflow.
(File type: pdf; size: 41.29 KB)
This document tallies up in clear columns your business sales, the cost it took to make those sales, the clear profit made from the sales as well as the costs required to provide the business infrastructure or operating costs of the business.
Municipal Support and Capacity Building (Governance and Institutional Support)
These documents act as examples of by-laws, which municipalities may use to develop their own by-laws.