System / Platform Management | Provincial Treasury
platform management

The Department provides for the implementation, management, and oversight of provincially operated financial systems and transition to the IFMS.

To further improve financial system management in the province, system users are trained in accordance with their system profiles; maintenance of effective user account management; the further development of integrated training interventions to promote the correct and optimal use of financial systems; and steps to enhance the validity and veracity of data which includes rendering of a service to all departments.

System Governance

  • System Security
  • System Policies & procedures

Systems capacitation & development

  • Support and Maintenance of Legacy systems
  • Training and business support

Technology enablement (BI)

  • Data cleansing
  • Asset registers
  • Inventories & Consumables
  • Reporting capabilities

IFMS Readiness

  • Improvement / Modernization of financial system for WCG

Data enablement

To improve financial system management in the province by to enhancing the validity and veracity of data which includes rendering of a service to all departments. It assists departments in accordance with a mutually agreed project plan with the clean-up and updating of data for the programmatical migration of data, to the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS), and implementation of data analytics and business intelligence tool to assist in supporting effective and efficient control, and decision-making in respect of budget processes, and governance initiatives in the province.