Delivery Innovation | WCG Game Changers

Delivery Innovation

“It has become increasingly evident that we need a new way of delivery, one that is uncompromisingly results-focused and performance driven.”

Premier Helen Zille

All the Game Changers have set ambitious goals and aim to deliver visible impact in citizens’ lives over a short period of time.

In order to achieve this, we recognised that we needed to commit to a new way of delivery – one that is innovative, uncompromisingly solutions orientated and is focused on delivering results.

To support this new approach, a Delivery Support Unit was established in the Department of the Premier to provide strategic oversight and guidance to provincial departments and monitor the implementation of the Game Changer plans.

Critical to the success of this new delivery methodology is the ability to continuously track performance of people, processes and systems in order to ensure that all targets are met on time. 

The Delivery Support Unit manages this performance tracking and relies on a few tools to track the progress of the Game Changers:

The Premier’s Stocktake sits at the centre of the delivery tools, where there is rigorous reporting on:

  • Whether we are doing what needs to be done on time to achieve the results of each Game Changer. Detailed deliverables and milestone activities are assessed via a traffic light system;
  • Data to show whether we are achieving our KPIs and other indicators, and to support management in identifying problems and finding solutions. This requires real-time data where possible.

The Stocktake brings together the key decision-makers (the Premier, Ministers, heads of departments, the DSU, Game Changer leads and other partners like the City of Cape Town). This ensures there is rapid problem solving and delivery momentum is maintained. It is here where one sees how the alchemy of leadership and technical expertise /tools can significantly enhance delivery.

The Game Changer Roadmap, with detailed delivery and data plans, ensures there is a clear line of sight from the goal and outcomes to delivery and impact on the ground. This approach can be disruptive – as many innovations are – and requires government to go beyond compliance.

However, the successes that are being seen under all the Game Changers shows what can be achieved when we focus on delivering measurable results in an innovative, solutions orientation environment that is supported and led by government leadership.