General Education & Training (Grades R - 9) | Western Cape Government

General Education & Training (Grades R - 9)

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The Western Cape Education Department maintains a database of schools and centres in the Province. You can search this database by: School name. Language of instruction. Suburb or town. Education district. Type of school (primary etc). Subjects offered (Grades 8 to12). Special centres (art, music etc).

Gear up for the 2018 school year

(Public Information)
Officials of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) are working closely with schools to accommodate thousands of learners still looking for places in schools in the province.

Grades R - 9

School is compulsory from the beginning of the year in which the learner turns seven until the end of Grade 9 or of the year in which the learner turns 15 (whichever comes first). This stage is called General Education and Training, and it falls into three phases: The Foundation Phase (Grade R to 3). The Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6). The Senior Phase (Grades 7 to 9). FOUNDATION PHASE This phase focuses on literacy, numeracy and life skills. In Grade 3, learners start to learn an additional language.

Music Education

Music education plays an important role in a child’s development. It helps improve their cognitive skills, which are the core skills your brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Improving these skills will help your child later in life, whether at university or at work.

Registering a Private or Independent GET Institution

General Education and Training refers to education and training provided at primary and secondary school level, from Grade R to Grade 9. It also includes Adult Basic Education and Training.   All private or independent institutions offering general education and training must be registered through the WCED.

Rights and Responsibilities of Parents - A Public School Policy Guide

(Public Information)
Most commonly asked questions by parents on the education of their school-going children - The South African Schools Act of 1996 requires all children between the ages of seven and 15 to attend school. Parents and guardians must make sure that all learners of this age are registered to go to school. As a parent, your relationship with the school starts on the day that you decide to register your child with a particular school. This relationship is defined by a set of rights and responsibility towards the school.

School Fees and Fee Exemptions

(Public Information)
This document provides information on how school fees are set and what parents need to do if they are unable to pay their child's school fees.