Early Childhood Development | Western Cape Government

Early Childhood Development

Audit on ECD Policies and Programmes

(Reports and Research)
(File type: pdf; size: 144.43 KB)Department of Education (National) (The Government of South Africa)
This study identifies which national departments have programmes and policies relating to children aged 0 - 9 years, and who is responsible for the implementation of these policies and programmes.

Early Childhood Development: Pre-Primary Schools and Grade R

Most pre-primary schools offering Grade R teaching in the Western Cape are independent institutions, supported financially by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). To qualify for financial support, pre-primary schools must register with the WCED.

Education White Paper 5 on Early Childhood Development

(White Paper)
Department of Education (National) (The Government of South Africa)

Registration of Early Childhood Development Practitioners

All ECD practitioners must be registered with the South African Council of Educators (SACE).Once ECD practitioners are registered, they are bound by SACE's Code of Professional Ethics.

Report on the National ECD Pilot Project - conducted from 1997 to 2000

(Reports and Research)
(File type: pdf; size: 695.63 KB)Department of Education (National) (The Government of South Africa)
The National Early Childhood Development (ECD) Pilot Project was launched in 1997 by the Department of Education. The overall pilot was designed to test the interim ECD policy, particularly related to the Reception Year (referred to as Grade R).

The Nationwide Audit of ECD Provisioning in South Africa

(Reports and Research)
(File type: pdf; size: 1018.17 KB)Department of Education (National) (The Government of South Africa)
In 2000 an audit of Early Childhood Development (ECD) provisioning was conducted throughout South Africa. The aim of the Audit was to provide accurate information on the nature and extent of ECD provisioning, services and resources across the country in order to inform and support ongoing policy and planning initiatives in this crucial and expanding sector.