Administration, Fees & Tariffs | Western Cape Government

Administration, Fees & Tariffs

Classification of Hospitals, Clinics and Patients for Tariff Purposes

(Public Information)
(File type: pdf; size: 56.64 KB)
A list of hospitals in the Western Cape and how they are categorised according to the district health system and for tariff purposes. Clinics and patients are also classified.

Introduction to the Uniform Patient Fee Schedule

(Public Information)
(File type: pdf; size: 119.25 KB)
A description of and information about the Uniform Patient Fee Schedule that provides a simpler charging mechanism for public sector hospitals.

Registering a Private Hospital

Every private hospital or unattached operating theatre needs to be registered. When the facility is registered the Department of Health will issue the owner of the facility a certificate of registration, which needs to be renewed before 31 December each year.   The registration of private hospitals is dealt with under the updated regulations governing private hospitals and unattached operating theatre units.

Tariff Definitions

(Public Information)
(File type: pdf; size: 103.82 KB)
A list of definitions to be read in connection with the determining of tariff structures and the calculation and raising of fees.

Western Cape Government Hospital Tariffs: An Overview

(Public Information)
This publication provides an explanation of the tariffs charged in government hospitals.