Applications for funding are invited from non-profit and other qualifying organisations to render certain social welfare and community development services on behalf of the Department of Social Development.
In order to access the service, please find the following information:
Call for funding applications (prososals) for the 2018-19 financial year and thereafter
Funding applications are invited from Non-Profit and other qualifying organisations to provide certain social welfare/community development services on behalf of the Department. This ALSO includes current funded organisations, residential and non-residential facilities.
The Western Cape Government's Social Development New Draft Youth Strategy identified Youth Cafés as one of the core initiatives for youth development programmes. A Youth Café is a one-stop hub where young people across the social divide can come together and access services, opportunities and support provided by the public and private sectors.
Proposals are invited from Non-Profit Organisations to partner with the Department in implementing this service in the Cape Metro Area. The proposed service delivery intervention must focus on achieving the following: