The Government of South Africa - Public Information: B | Western Cape Government

The Government of South Africa - Public Information: B

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.

This is a popular summary of the most important sections of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act of 1997. Workers must be able to see a summary at their workplaces in the official languages that are spoken there.

(File type: pdf; size: 418.95 KB)
This is a brief explanation of the 2005 Budget.
(File type: pdf; size: 741.19 KB)
This colour-in story explains what a child can expect if they are required to go to court as a witness or complainant.

South African workers and employers enjoy many rights, thanks to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. From leave days to the termination of your employment and more, here’s all you need to know about this Act.