Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Public Information: T | Western Cape Government

Department of Economic Development and Tourism - Public Information: T

General information publications, listed alphabetically. These documents are also placed under the relevant life events and categories in Your Life and Topics.
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This document considers the pros and cons of starting a tourism business and guides you through a number of questions that you will need to answer before deciding to start a new business.


27 September is World Tourism Day



Tourism Plenary Meetings


The Tourism Product Development Fund supports the development of new tourism products and experiences and/or major upgrading of existing tourism products and experiences to increase the Western Cape’s destination attractiveness to visitors.

 "We facilitate the implementation of an integrated tourism strategy that will lead to sustained and increased growth and job creation in the tourism industry."




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Tourist guides must sign the Tourist Guide Code of Conduct and Ethics as part of their official registration with the Department.

"We stimulate economic growth in targeted sectors through industry development, trade and investment promotion."