Arts and Culture - Services: Arts and Culture | Western Cape Government

Arts and Culture - Services: Arts and Culture

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The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) annually provides funding for arts and culture projects and programmes to qualifying individuals or organisations.
The Directorate Arts and Culture of the Department of Cultural Affairs and sport (DCAS) annually invests in drama programmes in the Western...
The Western Cape Provincial Geographical Names Committee (WCPGNC)  
The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) recognises the importance of cultural traditional practices. As a cultural rite of passage, male initiation illustrates the transition...
The Western Cape has the largest concentration of museums on the African continent. These include Declared Cultural Institutions, museums affiliated to the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS...
Oral history in South Africa is broadly categorized within the realm of living tradition. Sometimes this is referred to as living heritage or oral traditions. It has become a transformational mechanism through which past imbalances are addressed, as...