All protocol observed.
Goeiemore, molweni, good day.
Annually, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport provides financial support to arts and culture organisations. The intention of this funding vehicle is to give expression to our core mandate to develop, promote and preserve arts and culture in the Western Cape.
Die departement se finansieringsbeleid word gebruik om die verwerking en toekenning van subsidies aan suksesvolle aansoekers te bestuur. Dit lei die departement se benadering en het ten doel om organisasies in die uitvoerende en skeppende kunste-omgewing in die Wes-Kaap te ondersteun en te help ontwikkel.
Deur die jaarlikse finansiering fasiliteer die Departement 'n bevorderlike omgewing waardeur vennootskappe met organisasies gesmee word om verborge potensiaal te ontsluit en die kunsgemeenskap op te hef en sodoende sosiale insluiting in die provinsie te bou.
Over the last three years the Department has made R45.879 million available towards the development, promotion and preservation of arts and culture: In the current financial year i.e. 2015/2016, we will disburse R14.053 million.
For the current financial year, 270 applications requesting nearly R92.19 million were received, which far exceeds the available funding. The Department has allocated subsidies to 46 organisations who will benefit from the allocated R14.053 million. Amongst us today are some of the beneficiaries of the departmental funding.
Ek gebruik graag hierdie geleentheid om ander finansieringsvennote vir kuns en kultuur in die Wes-Kaap te bedank. In hierdie verband verwys ek spesifiek na regeringsorganisasies soos die Nasionale Kunsteraad, die Nasionale Lotery en munisipaliteite. Ek rig ’n besondere woord van dank aan die privaat sektor en individue. Sonder hul bydrae sou kuns en kultuur in die Wes-Kaap en in ons land armer wees.
The Department recognises the valuable contributions of all organisations inclusive of those that have not received financial support from the department. The fact that some organisations were not successful in their applications should not discourage or demoralise or instil the belief amongst arts and culture practitioners that their contributions are of less value. It is against this background that the Department forge partnerships and work with organisations on multiple levels in support of the arts. I want to re-iterate that unsuccessful organisations should continue with their activities as it does not go unseen.
In conclusion, I want to encourage organisations within the arts to support each other and to exchange their intellectual capital as I am of the believe that networking can only have a positive effect and creates the trajectory within the arts that we all so dearly believe in.
I thank you.
Stacy McLean
Spokesperson for Anroux Marais, Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport
Tel: 021 483 4426
Cell: 083 504 1171