Following the COVID-19 outbreak, the economy was and remains under immense strain with many small businesses in dire need for digital optimisation and technological transformation in order to remain afloat.
In the risk-adjusted model, the economy slowly opened up, with online and digital-enabled means, being at the forefront of operations for the easing of the lockdown. Unfortunately, many businesses were caught ill-prepared and unable to orientate to new opportunities through digital means. In addition, digital technology was and is a daunting prospect for some business owners, without the requisite skills or knowledge to deal with all the options and complexities it brings. This is where the Western Cape Government called upon the WC tech sector for assistance.
Our call was for the tech sector to support local small businesses to (a) provide them with some much needed technology advice and (b) aid them in fast-tracking their digital-readiness.
The initiative received quick and positive response from tech volunteers who offered a range of tech skills required to assist fellow businesses in this time of crisis.
Services provided ranged from support in Developing a Web-presence, E-commerce Capabilities , Cybersecurity, Social Media Marketing advice, Mobi Site Support, Working From Home Tools and Data Analytics.
Now that we have reached lockdown level 1 and many tech volunteers and small businesses have resumed more of their normal work practices, this initiative has come to an end.
We’d like to share with you some useful stats from the initiative:
To all the tech volunteers that has responded to our call, In times of crisis, we are measured, not by what we do in our own interests, but by what we contribute to the greater good, and the well-being of others. You heard our call and offered your support. We are extremely grateful to you for partnering with us in support of small businesses in the Western Cape. We thank you for your contribution to the GoDigital Western Cape campaign and your willingness to assist in this regard. We wish you much success in your future endeavours.
We have also collated GoDigital Articles which are well packaged informative articles and related content to assist businesses with practical advice, tips and tools on participating in the digital economy, moving your business online and adopting digital technologies.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on email:
These last few months has been both difficult and interesting has we have all had to navigate a world wracked by Covid19. We have all had to reflect and pivot in order to be resilient in these troubling times. Over the past few months, the Digital Economy unit has introduced a number of resources and services for Western Cape citizens and entrepreneurs, under the banner #GoDigitalWesternCape
In the coming weeks we are excited to present you one of the success stories of our Tech Volunteers initiative. This is a free support service where small businesses can access two (2) free hours of Techpert advice. Many tech experts have freely offered their support to entrepreneurs for which we are endlessly thankful.
So, enjoy this next story and spread the word.
#GoDigitalWC Business Support Success Story:
October 2020
In our third case study of businesses who benefited through our Tech Volunteers initiative, we will be profiling ORT SA CAPE Education. Debbie Orolowitz, a Programme Manager at ORT SA Cape Education, applied for support on behalf of the organisation. We chatted to Debbie and Bev Da Costa (Co-CEO) about their experience participating in this initiative and the relevance to their organisation.
September 2020
In this article, we profile Alison Barnard of African Kaleidoscope Events as our second case study of entrepreneurs who have benefited from our Tech Volunteers Initiative. Established in 2003 and operating for 17 years, African Kaleidoscope Events is run by Alison Barnard. The business offers event management services across corporate and government sectors.
August 2020
Established and run by Nkosi Zikhali, Eversharp Cleaning Services and Projects has been in operation for four years. The business offers essential cleaning services that includes post-construction and post-renovation cleaning, carpet (wet and dry cleaning) and upholstery and floor cleaning.